
chat GPTがバラク・オバマ風に同性婚に賛成するエッセイを書いてくれたよ。

 このテキストは、chat GPTに以下のリクエストを出したレスポンスになります。

"Can you write an essay on the following topic? "Agree or disagree? the legalize of Same-sex marriage in japan." In 5000 letters. Take the style of Barack Hussein Obama, who was the president of USA."

(以下のトピックでエッセイを書いてください。「賛成もしくは反対? 日本における同性婚の合法化」。5000文字以内で。バラク・オバマの文体を用いてください。アメリカの大統領だった人物です。)

 chat GPTへの指示はこれだけ。回答文は2分以内に出力されました(ただし低スペックなわたしが30分ほどの時間をかけて翻訳しています)。


 chat GPTがいかに革命的なのか、わたしの感じた衝撃を少しでもみなさんとシェアしたいと思ってこの記事を投稿します。






 さらに、同性婚を合法化することによって日本にはプラスの社会的および経済的利益がもたらされるでしょう。 LGBTQ+コミュニティへの差別が減り、多様性の社会的な受容を促進するのに役立つとともに、 彼らの家族やコミュニティ―彼らはLGBTQ+とは限りません―のメンタルヘルスや幸福にもポジティブな影響を与えてくれる可能性があります。付け加えていうならば、同性婚を合法化することによってインバウンドを呼び込んだり、海外投資の誘致が進むかもしれません。経済的な利益がもたらされる可能性もあるのです。




<以下はchat GPTから直接出力された原文になります>

My fellow citizens of Japan.

The issue of same-sex marriage is one that has become increasingly prominent around the world in recent years. While many countries have taken steps to legalize same-sex marriage, Japan has yet to follow suit. This raises the question of whether or not Japan should take action to legalize same-sex marriage.

As a strong advocate for human rights, I firmly believe that Japan should legalize same-sex marriage. The basic principle of equality demands that all individuals should be treated with the same respect and dignity, regardless of their sexual orientation. Same-sex couples deserve the same legal recognition and protections as heterosexual couples, including the right to marry.

Denying same-sex couples the right to marry is a form of discrimination that can have serious negative consequences for their lives. Same-sex couples may face legal and financial difficulties when it comes to issues such as inheritance, property ownership, and medical decision-making. Legalizing same-sex marriage would help to ensure that same-sex couples are afforded the same legal rights and protections as heterosexual couples.

Furthermore, legalizing same-sex marriage would have positive social and economic benefits for Japan. It could help to reduce discrimination against the LGBTQ+ community and promote greater social acceptance of diversity. This could have positive effects on mental health and well-being for LGBTQ+ individuals, as well as their families and communities. Moreover, legalizing same-sex marriage could have economic benefits by promoting tourism and attracting foreign investment.

I understand that there may be some who oppose the legalization of same-sex marriage on the grounds of traditional cultural and religious values. While I respect the diversity of beliefs and values held by the people of Japan, it is important to recognize that social and cultural norms change over time. Human rights should always take precedence over cultural or religious traditions.

It is also important to dispel the notion that legalizing same-sex marriage is a threat to traditional marriage. Legalizing same-sex marriage does not undermine the institution of marriage, but rather expands it to include all loving and committed couples. It is my belief that the institution of marriage is strengthened by embracing diversity and inclusivity.

In conclusion, I urge the people of Japan to take action to legalize same-sex marriage. Doing so would promote human rights, social and economic benefits, and greater social acceptance of diversity. While there may be challenges to be faced in legalizing same-sex marriage, it is a step that Japan should take in order to build a more just and inclusive society for all of its citizens. I have faith that Japan can and will take this important step towards progress and equality.
