
Happy Women's Map 神奈川県 日本初の女性裁判官 石渡 満子 女史

-明治大学 / Meiji Univ.

 "A harmonious resolution can only be achieved by observing and considering matters related to society from the perspectives of both genders."

石渡 満子 女史 
Ms. Mitcuko Ishiwata
 1905 - 1974
神奈川逗子市 生誕
Born in Zusi-city, Kanagaw-ken

Ms. Mitsuko Ishiwata was Japan's first female judge. She established organizations such as the Women's Legal Profession Propagation Association and the Women's Rights Advocacy Alliance to support the social empowerment of women in post-war Japan.



Mitsuko was born in Sakurayama, Yokosuka City (now Zushi City), as the eldest of four sisters, to a father who was an agricultural doctor and a government official guiding the sericulture industry. Mitsuko graduated from Tokyo Women's Higher Normal School (currently Ochanomizu University) and got married as soon as she graduated but divorced eight years later. She then entered Meiji University, which had established a law school exclusively for women. Despite the intensification of the war, she continued her studies, graduating at the age of 39 and passing the bar exam at 40. After the war, with the realization of legal gender equality, she chose the path of a judge. The post-war recession led to increased unemployment, divorces due to economic hardship, a surge in human trafficking of boys and girls, and the harsh exploitation of rural female laborers. Mitsuko formed the Women's Legal Profession Propagation Association with female lawyers and organized legal courses directly related to people's lives. Furthermore, she cooperated with family court mediators and human rights advocates to establish the Women's Rights Advocacy Alliance, conducting practical investigations, legal consultations, litigation, and awareness activities. Amidst the existence of unspoken rules that discriminated against women, she was appointed as the first female judge at the age of 45 at the Tokyo District Court. At the age of 56, she became a judge, serving in various regional courts in the Kanto region. After retiring at the mandatory retirement age, she became a lawyer and joined the Second Tokyo Bar Association. She passed away at the age of 69. 

-明治大学 Meiji Univ.

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