
Happy Women's Map 埼玉県 日本人女性初の国家医師 荻野 吟子 女史

-荻野吟子記念館 / Ginko Hagino Memorial Museum

"Greater love has no one than this, to lay down one's life for one's friends."-John 15:13

荻野 吟子 女史
Ms. Ginko Ogino
1851 - 1913 
埼玉県熊谷市俵瀬 生誕
Born in Kumagaya-city, Saitama-ken

Ms.Ginko Ogino is a physician and women's rights activist, becoming the first Japanese woman to hold a national medical license in modern Japan.


吟子は裕福な庄屋に生まれ、17歳で豪農に嫁ぎますが夫に淋病を移され離婚を決意、複数の男性に囲まれ下半身を晒す恥辱的な診察から女性医師になることを決心します。故郷で学問をはじめ、22歳で上京。国学者で皇漢医の井上頼圀に師事、 東京女子師範学校(お茶の水女子大学の前身)の一期生として入学します。卒業後、大学時代の恩師のつてにより、私立医学校・好寿院に特別に入学、男性に混じって3年の修養後、東京府と埼玉県に医術開業試験願を提出するも却下されます。吟子は『女学雑誌』に投稿して訴えます。実業家の高島嘉右衛門から国学者の井上頼圀ならびに内務省衛生局局長の長与専斎の支援者とともに、吟子は奈良時代から女医が存在していた事実を示す文献『令義解』を探し出し、女性の医術開業運動を始めます。2年後に公許女医が認められ、ようやく室町時代から封建制度の下で禁止されていた女医が解禁、吟子は34歳で公許女医第1号となります。同年、東京湯島に診療所「産婦人科荻野医院」を開業、繁盛して翌年下谷に移転するも、中産階級以下の患者には高額な医療費は払えません。吟子はキリスト教に入信、日本キリスト教婦人矯風会にも参加、女性たちの診療活動に加え、大日本婦人衛生会を設立、女性たちに衛生教育を広めながら、婦人解放運動等の社会的活動にも大きく貢献しました。43歳の時に、新たな夫とともに北海道開拓地にキリスト教による理想郷インマヌエルの建設を目指し、北海道久遠郡せたな町に診療所を開設。村の有力者に呼びかけ「淑徳婦人会」を結成、瀬棚日曜学校を創設します。さらに札幌に転住、婦人科・小児科を開業します。夫の死去と共に54歳で東京に戻り晩年まで診療を続けます。

Ginko was born into a prosperous landlord family. At the age of 17, she married a wealthy farmer, but after contracting syphilis from her husband, she decided to divorce him. Following a humiliating examination in which she was surrounded by multiple men and exposed her lower body, she resolved to become a female physician. She began her studies in her hometown and moved to Tokyo at the age of 22. She became a student of Inoue Yorikuni, a national scholar and physician in the Chinese tradition, and entered the first class of the Tokyo Women's Normal School (predecessor of Ochanomizu University). After graduation, through connections with her university mentor, she gained special admission to the private medical school called Kojusuin. After three years of training alongside male students, she submitted a request to Tokyo Prefecture and Saitama Prefecture to take the medical practice licensing examination, but her request was denied. Ginko protested by submitting an article to "Women's Journal." With the support of businessman Takashima Kaemon, along with national scholar Inoue Yorikuni and Naga Yoshiaki, head of the Hygiene Bureau of the Ministry of the Interior, Ginko uncovered the historical document "Reigi Gokai" that showed the existence of female doctors since the Nara period. She initiated a movement for women's medical practice. Two years later, official recognition for female doctors was granted, finally lifting the ban that had been in place since the Muromachi period under the feudal system. Ginko, at the age of 34, became the first officially recognized female doctor. In the same year, she established the "Obstetrics and Gynecology Oginō Clinic" in Tokyo Yushima. The clinic flourished and relocated to Shimotaniya the following year. However, she couldn't charge high medical fees to lower middle-class and lower-class patients. Ginko converted to Christianity and joined the Japan Christian Women's Temperance Union. In addition to her medical practice, she founded the Greater Japan Women's Health Association, spreading hygiene education among women and making significant contributions to women's liberation movements and other social activities. At the age of 43, along with her new husband, she aimed to establish an ideal Christian community "Immanuel" in Hokkaido's pioneering lands. They set up a clinic in Setana Town, Kuto District, Hokkaido, called upon influential villagers to establish the "Shukutoku Women's Association," and founded the Setana Sunday School. Later, they relocated to Sapporo, where Ginko practiced obstetrics and pediatrics. After her husband's death, she returned to Tokyo at the age of 54 and continued her medical practice until her later years.

-荻野吟子記念館 Ginko Hagino Memorial Museum

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