
The following is an excerpt from Nozomu Ishii's magnum opus

The following is an excerpt from Nozomu Ishii's magnum opus
The following is an excerpt from Nozomu Ishii's magnum opus, "The Hundred Questions of the Senkaku Refutation Manual," a real scholar's work.
The reason for quoting this section is that people who only subscribe to the Asahi Shimbun and watch NHK, etc., are just like me, who subscribed to the Asahi Shimbun until August six years ago.
They would not know that former Foreign Ministry official Magosaki Toru was outrageous.
Preamble Abbreviated
Looking back on it now, the memory of that time was substantial.
From then on, the historical records of the Senkaku Islands became material for me to question my existence as a Japanese.
To verify the reports' accuracy, I gradually began to study the Chinese historical records of the Senkaku Islands.
However, the more I learned about the Chinese texts, the more I became convinced that the Senkakus were culturally Japanese territory.
Then, in the fall of 2010, the fishing boat collision happened.
Many will always remember the incident that shook the territory and the foundation of Japanese governance.
However, there was no Chinese historical record of the incident in Japan's coverage of the Senkaku Islands and the discourse on the issue.
I felt this was not the way to go, so I submitted a portion of my study to a journal and began researching earnestly.
As I studied, I was always concerned that someone pro-Chinese might pervert and disseminate Chinese material, just like the Chinese.
The fears were realized in 2012 when Magosaki Toru, former Director General of the Intelligence Bureau of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and others disseminated the discourse.
Mr. Magosaki did not even try to deconstruct the Chinese text himself but instead took the cheapest way possible to praise China's interpretation of the text as it was.
The rest of the text is omitted.
I cite this section because I felt it necessary to include Magosaki Toru in my previous chapter, "The post-war Biography of Intellectuals Was a Biography of Traitors."
