
I was amazed at what a fantastic writer she was.It is a sentence that shows her courage.

Unlike my best friend, an avid reader, I am a writer who continues to write this column.
It is no exaggeration to say that an infinite number of things need to be written.

The precious reading time for me, the time I can concentrate on reading, is on a sunny day when I head to Kyoto for a photo shoot and on the train before arriving there.

I first learned about the binding and paper quality of the "Conservative Party of Japan,'' which is a beautiful book in every way, from someone's tweet yesterday.
With that in mind, I opened a random chapter and started reading.
I read it thinking Mr. Naoki Hyakuta wrote it, but it was not.
Surprisingly, it was written by Ms. Kaori Arimoto.
I was amazed at what a fantastic writer she was.
It is a sentence that shows her courage.
Yet, like Mr. Hyakuta, the writing is straightforward, concise, and waste-free.
As a descendant of Murasaki Shikibu and Sei Shonagon, she is one of the most prominent Japanese women in the media world.
It is a "national treasure'' as defined by Saicho.
The unavoidable uprising of Kaori Arimoto and Naoki Hyakuta, two national treasures, inspired the inevitable uprising of Japan's mainstream national treasures.
It is God's providence.

2023/1/26 in Kyoto



