
I have long believed that the true nature of a person or a country, whether an individual or a country, emerges clearly in times of disaster or crisis.

I sent a chapter on 2020-06-30 titled China's Viciousness Does not Stop at this Level.
It is a genuine article that should be re-read not only by the people of Japan but also by people worldwide.
It is from a column serialized by Mr. SekiHei, published in the monthly magazine Hanada, titled "The World's No. 1 Thug State."
The monthly magazine Hanada is a must-read, not only for the people of Japan but also for people worldwide.
If you haven't yet subscribed, you should head to your nearest bookstore right now. It's full of original articles like this one.
And yet, the price is only 950 yen (including sales tax).

I have long believed that the true nature of a person or a country, whether an individual or a country, emerges clearly in times of disaster or crisis. 
The coronavirus crisis has unintentionally exposed the evil nature of a specific continental country, my home country, to the fullest extent. 
There is no doubt that China is the cause of the coronavirus crisis.
After the coronavirus spread in Wuhan, the Chinese government hid the truth by concealing information from the international community. 
As a result, the virus spread throughout the world, causing the explosive spread of the infection, killing many people, and causing great harm to human society.
However, even though it has caused such a great disaster to the world's people and caused a great deal of trouble, the Chinese government has no apologies to the international community.
They do not attempt to admit their fault or responsibility.
On the contrary, they are trying to shift the blame to other countries by saying nonsense that the virus was brought to Wuhan by the US military.
Or they are trying to deceive the world with the sophistry of saying that Wuhan was the first place where the virus originated, but not necessarily the source. 
In the early stages of the coronavirus outbreak, China bought up masks and other medical supplies worldwide, causing shortages in many countries.
When the coronavirus from China raged around the world and caused havoc, they sent defective masks and test kits with an accuracy rate of less than 30% to countries lacking medical supplies, pretending to be the world's "saviors.
It is, as it were like a convicted arsonist pretending to be a firefighter to do more evil. 
China's viciousness does not stop at this Level.
With the world in turmoil after the coronavirus disaster, especially the United States, the "world's police," the Chinese government, taking advantage of this turmoil, has accelerated its hegemonic expansion by establishing a new "administrative region" in the South China Sea.
It has repeatedly sent warships into the Taiwan Strait to carry out aggressive actions and invaded the territorial waters around Japan's Senkaku Islands. 
They were trying to get unfair territorial demands through to the fullest extent of their evilness. 
They did everything they could.
That would generally be the shameful actions of a fire robber, but in China's case, it's even worse because they set themselves on fire and then acted as fire robbers. 
As countries worldwide demand an investigation into the cause of the coronavirus epidemic, China is desperately trying to evade responsibility for the virus it has spread worldwide.
For example, the Chinese government has imposed exorbitant tariffs on barley imports from Australia and called on Chinese citizens to refrain from traveling to Australia in retaliation for Australia's insistence on investigating its cause and responsibility actions.
It is an entirely unreasonable retaliatory measure.
While its arrogance is overwhelming, it will never take similar retaliation against America, which insists on blaming China for more than Australia.
The Chinese government has a consistent habit of being weak against the strong and strong against the weak. 
Then, taking advantage of the chaos of the Corona disaster, the Chinese government began to bully the weak even more.
At the National People's Congress in late May, the Xi Jinping administration launched a violent campaign to impose a lousy law called the "National Security Law" in Hong Kong. 
If this bad law is implemented, Hong Kong's human rights and freedoms will be stripped entirely away, and more than seven million Hong Kong citizens will become fish on the chopping board for the CPC regime.
The international community cannot allow this to happen. 
Thus, in less than six months since the coronavirus spread, the Chinese government has already committed many evil deeds.
One glance at these things shows that China is the world's greatest evil.
They never apologize even if they are at fault, and if they commit a crime, they never admit it.
They always think that other countries are to blame and that they are not to blame in the least.
They are unconcerned about arson and fire robbery, but they never allow themselves to be held accountable.
And they are always and forever grabbing vulnerable countries and people and bullying them to their heart's content. 
It is tempting to call such a country a "yakuza nation," but think of it: even the Japanese yakuza are not so cowardly or corrupt.
Xi Jinping's China has become a "thug among yakuza."
He may be significant in the figure, but he is a thug, a very troublesome one in heart and head. 
Unfortunately, it is us, Japan, that has such a troublesome "hoodlum nation" as this in our neighboring countries.
Dealing with such a country is always a headache for us, and it is an important issue that we cannot avoid. 
That is why I would like to focus my series of articles on China and Japan, starting with this month's issue, as one of the pillars of my writing.
If you know him and know yourself, you will never be in danger of a hundred battles.
