7. Looking Eastwards

(E.H.Gombrich/The Story of Art)

-Islam, China, second to thirteenth century




It is interesting to see how two other great religions reacted to the question of images. (111)
[In] the religion of the Muslim, [...] the making of images was forbidden. [...]The craftsmen of the East, who were not permitted to represent human beings, let their imagination play with patterns and forms. (111)
The [Chinese] artists were less fond of rigid angular forms than the Egyptians had been, and preferred swerving curves. (112)
The religions of the East taught that nothing was more important than the right kind of meditation. [...]Devout artists began to paint water and mountains in a spirit of reverence, not in order to teach any particular lesson, nor merely as decorations, but to provide material for deep thought. Their pictures were [...] to be looked at and pondered over as one might open a book of poetry and read and reread a beautiful verse. (114)
