【通訳案内士】ひな祭り Hinamatsuri

(The English descriptions are below.)
3月に入りました。いろいろと世知辛いニュースも多いですが、だんだん春に近づいています。今日は、ひな祭りについてです。将棋もそうでしたが、ひな祭りも”Hinamatsuri”で通じる、と言うか英語に直すとニュアンスが伝わらないため、無理に訳さなくてもよさそうです。雛人形もHina dollsと言ってから、その意味を伝えても良いかもしれません("Hina” means “small” in this case.)。
十二単(じゅうにひとえ):twelve layers kimono
タンス:chest of drawers

In Japan, 3rd of March is called Hinamatsuri and family which have girls celebrate wellness of children by displaying Hina dolls. Hina dolls wear traditional Japanese clothes such as twelve layers kimono. The number of dolls differ with the various sizes of Hina doll set; but usually there are the emperor, empress and their servants. They are not only dolls but also some decorations such as peach tree, colorful layered rice cake in diamond shape, miniature chest of drawers and a palanquin are displayed.

The origin of Hinamatsuri is not clear. It may start from a play house or a ritual to prevent evils. In the Edo period, it was already spread all over Japan. In the age of Genroku when gaudiness was prioritized, Hina dolls wore colorful twelve layers Kimono.

People eat a snack called Hina arare which is made of rice and chirashi-zushi which is a plate type sushi with various sashimi. The colors of Hina arare and diamond shaped rice cake have meanings. White means snow, green means sprouts of trees, and pink means new lives. From ancient times, we have been celebrating coming of spring and wellness of family.

The face of dolls and the way to position dolls are different with each area in Japan. If you have a chance to see Hina dolls, please check them carefully.

Why is there a superstition that the longer you take to clear away the dolls, the more difficult it is for girl to get married in the future?
It is completely a rumor. However, after Hinamatsuri, the season changes to spring and a temperature and humidity will increase. Not to damage the dolls, people may urged to clear it away as soon as possible.


