
Convict English:(31)ウクライナとNATO

1. Before Listening


  1. What are the primary challenges Ukraine is facing in its war against Russia, both domestically and internationally?

  2. How might Ukraine's potential NATO membership influence the dynamics of the conflict with Russia?

  3. What strategic changes does the article suggest Ukraine and its allies should implement to alter the course of the war?

2. Summary


  1. Ukraine's Declining Fortunes: Ukraine is losing ground in the war against Russia, facing significant military losses, infrastructural damage, and waning morale among its populace and troops.

  2. Necessity for Strategic Reassessment: The article argues that Ukraine and its Western allies need to redefine their war aims, focusing on sustainable goals like becoming a prosperous, Western-leaning democracy rather than reclaiming all lost territories.

  3. Advocacy for NATO Membership: It emphasizes that immediate NATO membership for Ukraine could provide essential security guarantees, deter further Russian aggression, and solidify Western support.

3. Words and Phrases


1. Attrition(消耗)

  • 定義: 持続的な圧力や攻撃による強さや効果の徐々な減少

  • 語源: ラテン語のattritio(擦り減ること)から

  • Example: The prolonged siege led to the attrition of the defending army's resources.

2. Bogus(偽の)

  • 定義: 本物ではない、偽りの

  • 語源: 19世紀初頭、偽造コイン製造機から派生した可能性あり

  • Example: The art dealer was arrested for selling bogus paintings to unsuspecting buyers.

3. Aspiration(願望)

  • 定義: 何かを達成しようとする希望や野望

  • 語源: ラテン語のaspirare(息を吹きかける、目指す)から

  • Example: Her aspiration to become a renowned scientist drove her to pursue advanced studies.

4. Demur(異議を唱える)

  • 定義: 疑いや反対を示す、あるいは躊躇する

  • 語源: ラテン語のdemorari(遅れる、ためらう)から

  • Example: He accepted the proposal without demur, eager to start the new project.

5. Dysfunctional(機能不全の)

  • 定義: 通常通りに動作しない、または社会的行動規範から逸脱する

  • 語源: ギリシャ語のdys-(悪い)とラテン語のfunctionem(機能)から

  • Example: The dysfunctional committee failed to reach a consensus on any issue.

4. Word Watch


1. "On the defensive"(守勢に立つ)

  • 定義: 行動や決定を弁護または正当化しなければならない立場にあること

  • 歴史的背景: 軍事用語から派生し、攻撃に備える態勢を示す

  • 使用例: After the allegations surfaced, the company was on the defensive, issuing statements to clear its name.

2. "Drive away"(追い払う、遠ざける)

  • 定義: 誰かを離れさせたり、興味を失わせる

  • 歴史的背景: 17世紀以来、誰かを追い払ったり妨害したりすることを意味する

  • 使用例: The harsh criticism served only to drive away potential collaborators.

3. "Hidden behind the pretense"(見せかけの背後に隠れている)

  • 定義: 本当の意図や現実を偽りの外見や主張で隠すこと

  • 歴史的背景: "Pretense"(見せかけ)は中世から偽りの表示を示すために使われている

  • 使用例: The organization's noble mission was hidden behind the pretense of charitable work, masking its true profit-driven motives.

5. Say What You Mean


  1. Ukraine is facing war ______ among its population due to prolonged conflict.

  2. The article suggests that Ukraine's leaders need to honestly define what ______ means for their country.

  3. Some European hard-right parties argue that supporting Ukraine is a ______ of money.

6. Quote...Unquote

"In the midst of chaos, there is also opportunity." — Sun Tzu

背景情報: 孫子は古代中国の将軍であり、軍事戦略家、そして哲学者で、『孫子の兵法』を著しました。この引用は、最も混乱した時期にも、準備ができていて洞察力のある者にとっては機会が存在することを示しています。

7. What's Next?




8. Answers for "Say What You Mean"

  1. fatigue

  2. victory

  3. waste
