
Convict English:(27)貧困削減と経済成長の停滞

Before Listening

  • 質問 1: What were some significant achievements in global development between 1995 and 2015?

  • 質問 2: According to the articles, what factors contributed to the stalling of progress in reducing global poverty since 2015?

  • 質問 3: How have attitudes toward economic policies like liberalisation and free trade changed in recent years in the world's poorest countries?


概要: 以下の3つの主なポイントを元に要約します。

  1. Remarkable Progress (1995-2015): Between 1995 and 2015, the world saw significant strides in reducing extreme poverty, narrowing GDP gaps, and improving global public health and education. This was largely due to countries embracing liberalisation, integrating into the global economy, and adopting market-friendly reforms.

  2. Stalled Development Post-2015: Since 2015, this momentum has halted. Extreme poverty levels have stagnated, improvements in health have slowed or reversed, and poor countries are no longer catching up economically with richer nations. Factors include economic shocks, reduced aid, and a shift away from policies that previously spurred growth.

  3. Shift Away from Liberalisation: There's been a global turn towards interventionism, protectionism, and state control. Many developing countries have adopted industrial policies that favor government intervention over market forces, often influenced by models like China and the U.S. This shift has contributed to the stagnation of development and a lack of new ideas to stimulate growth.

Words and Phrases

単語とフレーズ: 以下のGREレベルの語彙とその意味、語源、例を示します。

1. Convergence

  • 定義: 異なる方向から集まり、統一された全体を形成するプロセス。

  • 語源: ラテン語の convergere(一緒に傾く)に由来。

  • Example from Text: "In the 1990s global convergence was powered by a few big successes..."

2. Liberalisation

  • 定義: 一般的に経済における規制の撤廃や緩和。

  • 語源: liberal(自由主義的)という言葉と、過程を示す接尾辞 -isation の組み合わせ。

  • Example from Text: "The most successful liberalisations came from within countries..."

3. Penury

  • 定義: 極度の貧困。

  • 語源: ラテン語の penuria(必要、欠乏)に由来。

  • Example from Text: "For the poorest people, however, growth can be the difference between a good life and penury."

4. Interventionism

  • 定義: 経済問題や他国の政治問題における政府の干渉。

  • 語源: intervene(介入する)と、実践やイデオロギーを示す接尾辞 -ism の組み合わせ。

  • Example from Text: "The world has turned towards intervention..."

5. Enfeebled

  • 定義: 弱体化した、力を失った。

  • 語源: 接頭辞 en-(~にする)と、古フランス語の feble(弱い)から。

  • Example from Text: "The fund has also been enfeebled by an insistence on repeatedly lending to countries..."

Word Watch

慣用表現: 以下の3つの慣用表現を取り上げ、定義、歴史的背景、および一般的な使用状況を説明します。

1. Caught in the middle

  • 定義: 2つの対立する側の間で難しい立場にいること。

  • 歴史的背景: 対立する当事者の間に物理的に立つことから転じて比喩的に使われる。

  • Usage Scenario: The IMF and World Bank are "caught in the middle" of the power struggle between America and China.

2. You don't know what you've got till it's gone

  • 定義: 人々は失って初めて持っていたものの価値に気づく。

  • 歴史的背景: ジョニ・ミッチェルの1970年の曲「Big Yellow Taxi」により広められた表現。

  • Usage Scenario: The world failed to appreciate the benefits of liberalisation until progress stalled.

3. Pick up the slack

  • 定義: 誰かがやめた仕事を引き継いでやり遂げること。

  • 歴史的背景: 物理的な労働において、緩んだロープの部分を引き締めることから来ている。

  • Usage Scenario: A new generation of countries might have "picked up the slack" if not for economic shocks.

Say What You Mean

Fill in the blanks with the correct word from the text.

  1. The IMF and World Bank are juggling promoting reform and development with fighting climate change, and are caught in the middle of the power struggle between America and China, which is making it _________ hard to restructure poor countries’ debts.

  2. Many of the West’s interventions in the Global South failed, but in the era of catch-up, it did at least preach the virtues of free markets and free trade. These ideas spread because communism was proved to be _________ in comparison with America’s prosperity and power.

  3. Things are particularly grim in Africa. The average sub-Saharan’s inflation-adjusted income is only just above its level in 1970. Consumption remains _________.


"Without continual growth and progress, such words as improvement, achievement, and success have no meaning."
— Benjamin Franklin

背景情報: ベンジャミン・フランクリン(1706年–1790年)は、アメリカの建国の父であり、多才な知識人としても知られる。この名言は、成長と進歩がなければ、改善や達成、成功といった言葉が無意味になることを強調しており、記事で取り上げられている停滞した開発状況と継続的な進歩の重要性と共鳴しています。

What's Next?

次のステップ: 記事は、世界の貧困削減と経済成長の停滞について深く分析していますが、貧困削減の鈍化の原因をより包括的に議論する余地が残っています。経済政策の転換や援助の減少、政府の市場介入の増加など、記事が指摘する要因は重要ですが、気候変動やパンデミック、地政学的な対立など、今日の世界開発に影響を与える他の複雑な要因にも焦点を当てるべきです。


Section 8: Answers for "Say What You Mean"

  1. fiendishly

  2. backward

  3. depressed
