
Convict English:(5)米国大統領選挙予測

1. Before Listening


  1. What factors typically influence the outcome of a US presidential election?

  2. How do forecasting models predict election results?

  3. What role do opinion polls play in election forecasts?

2. Summary


  1. The Economist's election forecast model shows a close race between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump for the 2024 US presidential election.

  2. Harris has made significant gains in polls since replacing Joe Biden as the Democratic nominee, but the race remains a "coin flip."

  3. The model combines current polling data with "fundamentals" based on historical trends and economic factors to predict the election outcome.

3. Words and Phrases


  1. Ebullient (adj.) - 陽気で活力に満ちた
    語源:ラテン語の "ebullire"(沸騰する)から
    使用例:"The mood among Democrats, as they prepare to gather for their national convention in Chicago next week, is ebullient."

  2. Calamitous (adj.) - 壊滅的な、破滅的な
    語源:ラテン語の "calamitas"(災害)から
    使用例:"By the time Mr Biden dropped out of the race on July 21st, a few weeks after a calamitous debate with Mr Trump, the model showed that his likelihood of victory had plunged still further."

  3. Gratuitously (adv.) - 不必要に、理由なく
    語源:ラテン語の "gratuitus"(無料の、自発的な)から
    使用例:"The former president did not help his cause by, for example, gratuitously attacking the popular Republican governor of Georgia."

  4. Delusion (n.) - 錯覚、妄想
    語源:ラテン語の "deludere"(嘲笑する、欺く)から
    使用例:"An antidote to such delusion is data."

  5. Enthused (v.) - 熱狂させた
    語源:"enthusiasm"からの逆成、ギリシャ語の "entheos"(霊感を受けた)から
    使用例:"She has transformed her personal ratings and enthused the Democratic base."

4. Word Watch


  1. "Neck and neck"
    一般的な使用:"The polls show the two candidates are neck and neck in the swing states."

  2. "Wide open"
    一般的な使用:"With less than three months to go to polling day, the race is wide open."

  3. "Sugar high"
    一般的な使用:"Ms Harris's success may partly be the result of a sugar high."

5. Say What You Mean


  1. The forecast model combines information from opinion polls and "________" factors such as the state of the economy and presidential approval ratings.

  2. Ms Harris has sharply improved her position in ________ states, which are crucial for winning the electoral college.

  3. The model expects Democrats to continue to face an electoral-college ________, meaning they could win the popular vote but lose the election.

6. Quote...Unquote

"The best way to predict the future is to create it." - Abraham Lincoln


7. What's Next?



  1. 潜在的な外部イベント(例:国際的危機、経済ショック)が有権者の選好に与える影響

  2. スイングステートにおけるキャンペーン戦略とリソース配分の役割

  3. 第三政党候補や投票抑制努力の潜在的影響


  1. キャンペーン後期の変化と選挙結果への影響に関する歴史的事例を分析する

  2. 異なる予測モデルの方法論とその過去の選挙における正確性を調査する

  3. この選挙が米国の政治力学と政策方向に与える可能性のある長期的影響を探る

8. Answers for Section 5

  1. fundamental

  2. swing

  3. disadvantage
