
Asset Value Art NFT "L.A.K"

This article is about GoZenDAO's Art NFT collection "L.A.K".
The table of contents is as follows.

How L.A.K was created

"L.A.K" stands for "Luxury Artistic Kanji," and was created to be offered as an art work with asset value. Before this collection, there was a collection named "Artistic Kanji", but the design and brand image have been completely redesigned since then.

Providing experiences as art

L.A.K offers a unique art, inspiration, and luxury experience,
and luxury experience.

Unique Chinese character expressions and emotional backgrounds.
A magical art that captivates the viewer.

Feel free to enjoy it in virtual reality or in the real world.
Let yourself go on a journey to live in the present.

NFT x Art x Kanji

NFT (Non Fundable Token) proves the uniqueness of the artwork.
Even the fame of the holder and the history of the transaction are offered to you as part of the special experience.

Art NFT makes buying and selling art easier and smoother than ever before.
The value of your art will be secured by the successive holders of each piece, and the rarity and market value will increase with each transaction.

The traditional Chinese characters that have been handed down since ancient times further contribute to the uniqueness and authority of the artwork.

In combination with the brush strokes and emotional background, this art evokes special memories and emotions in the viewer, providing a special experience and value that cannot be replaced by anything else.

Synergy with DAO

The value of the NFT is determined by the active collecting activities of its holders, but the GoZenDAO and its members, who run L.A.K., also play a role in adding value and securing it.

As long as the DAO continues, the collection will grow.
and with each trade, its speed and power will increase.

Trading Environment

The Polygon market is the main market, as it is superior to ETH in many ways, and we expect the market to grow and the number of traders to increase.

As of 2022/3, the ETH market is also in sight and can be traded with ETH.


We are currently working with GoZenDAO to raise awareness and increase the number of transactions.

We are considering issuing a maximum of 10,000 units.

As the collection develops, we are looking to expand the market and introduce a dedicated platform.

L.A.K / Opensea
