
A memory of working as a wedding planner

I took the lesson with teacher N today.

We talked about working shifts.
I shared with her that I'd experienced working 5:30 A.M. until midnight.
I used to be a wedding planner, especially on weekends I had many things to do.

In the morning, I welcomed the bride and groom, and I attended them all day during the party, after that I had some meetings with other couples, and then I needed to do some paperwork.

She asked me what the most memorable thing about my work was.
I was thinking for a while and answered.
It was a sad story though, while I had the last meeting with the couple, the bride's cellphone rang, she answered it and screamed "Why?" and suddenly started crying.

The phone call was from her mom, and she said that her dad had suddenly passed away.
Her dad lived apart from their family because of his business.
He didn't come to the office that day, so his colleague called him, but no answer.
And then his colleague visited him and found that he had already died.
I'd heard the cause of death was a heart attack.
Their wedding party was canceled due to the bride's dad's passed.

I'd met her dad before, their family visited our hall for the venue tour, then I attended them.
Everyone seemed to be happy and can not wait for the wedding party.

After a few months, I received a phone call from the bride, she told me that she found her dad's schedule book, and it said "My daughter's wedding" on the wedding day with red ink.
So she decided to have a wedding party for her dad.
It got smaller than they planned before, they invited only close relatives and close friends.
It was a very beautiful day.
I felt a warm atmosphere, I was sure her dad was together with us.
I hope she has been protected and always will be by her dearest dad.
