A night owl or an early bird?

I took the lesson with teacher N today.
Honestly, I just got up twenty minutes before the class started.

Our first topic was about that.
The reason why I overslept was staying up late.
I went to bed at 4:00 A.M.
I'm not sure if I was a night owl or an early bird anymore.

She asked me the reason I stayed up late.
Last night, my husband came back home late.
I prepared dinner for him and washed dishes, after that I took a bath.
And then, I should've gone to bed soon though I watched a TV drama recorded.

Regarding drama, I told her the title and explained the story, she googled it, and she realized her favorite actor appeared in that.
The story was a little bit complicated.
I'm not sure which genre it should be categorized.

Hanging the topic, I asked her if she had any favorite Japanese actors.
She told me some actors' names.
They were all good-looking guys.
I was happy to know her favorite types.
One of her favorite actors' birthday was the same as mine, and I knew her birthday was very close to mine.
