

(English below)


大石達起さん(IN SITU) as ほっかむりの男







柴田惇朗さん as こだま






Hello, I'm Chihiro Yoshioka, a production manager of Juko's IORI "the messenger's account".
The play will be the first live streaming show for Eisei Theatre Group. In this production note, I will do a short interview to international version casts.
Please enjoy the interviews and stay tuned!
To begin with, I would like to present Oishi-san's short interview.

Tatsuki Oishi as Man in the scarf.

You have appeared Juko's IORI "the messenger's account" international version before, so could you tell me your favorite scenes in this play?
―I really like every single scene of international version. This could be the brand-new experience; The process of mixing Japanese and foreign language in the silence of Wabi Sabi makes me very excited. If I should choose one scene among them, my favorite scene would be when "Kodama" get in the conversations firstly. The scene thrills me a lot that the story now begins. Also, I know this is not only in the international version, but I always laugh when I see the scene of "From 2 to 5 o'clock" of F. Japan-san no matter how many times I see it.

The direction with English speaking casts for acting as simultaneous interpreting is the unique experience to "Juko's IORI".
Lastly, would you express your wish for this play finally”?
―This will be my fourth appearance in "Juko's IORI", so it's not too much to say this is my life's work. However, I always find something interesting and new because I have used different types of space and languages in each session. Since this time is the live streaming show, I'm so excited with the new challenge for me. I'd like to present what the "Juko's IORI" would be like not only to people in Kyoto but also in Japan and all around the world!

Thank you very much, Oishi-san!

Let me move on to the short interview of Shibata-san, who will appear in Eisei Theatre Group's play for the first time in 6 years!

Junro Shibata as Kodama

Firstly, please introduce yourself briefly.
―Born in 1994. Graduate student of sociology of art. I currently research fringe theater activities in Kyoto. English I acquired through years of international school education and the world of theater I got acquainted to in high school lead me to “Juko's IORI”, this wonderful opportunity.

Has there been any changes compared to when you appeared in Juko's IORI last time?
―I was surprised with how other actors of main roles become infinitely proficient. As the story develops just like breathing, I feel as if I was caught up in the play. Also, the new "Kodama" team members have a high professionalism and are positive. They always help me in practices a lot.

That would be the fruit of performances in various styles such as school theatre and international versions for 6 years. I'm excited to present the other new "Kodama" team members soon,
Lastly, would you express your wish for the play?
―I'm afraid I'm the only one who are not a professional actor among other casts, but that's why I hope to find something that I can contribute to!

Thank you very much, Shibata-san!
Please stay tuned for the next interview!

『珠光の庵~遣の巻~』英語版 / “Jukou’s IORI” English version 
Live streaming date: Monday, January 4th 7pm JST (Archived video available until Monday, January 11th 11:59pm)

※チケット発売中! Tickets 2,000円/JPY
