





The history of money is very interesting. A long time ago, people did not use money. Instead, they exchanged what they had. In the habit, people exchanged things they had for things they needed. For example, a farmer might exchange vegetables for fish from a fisherman. This system had problems because sometimes people did not want to exchange, or the items were too big to carry.
To solve these problems, people started using objects as money. In ancient times, people used things like shells, stones, and beads as money. These objects were easier to carry and exhange. However, as societies grew, people needed something more practical.
The first coins were made around 600 BC in a place called Lydia, which is now part of Turkey. These coins were made of metal, like gold and silver, and had a stamp on them to show their value. ①Coins became popular because they were easy to carry and their value was clear.
Later, people started using paper money. The first paper money was used in China during the Tang Dynasty (618-907 AD). Paper money was lighter than coins and could be used for large transactions. It became very popular and spread to other parts of the world.
In modern times, we use coins and paper money, but we also use digital money. Digital money includes credit cards, debit cards, and online payments. This type of money is very convenient because we can use it without carrying cash.
Money has changed a lot over time. From exchange to digital payments, ②the way we use money has become more efficient. Today, money is an important part of our lives, making it easier to buy and sell things. Understanding the history of money helps us appreciate its role in society.(294語)
※Tang Dynasty:唐(中国にあった王朝)


A) Banking
B) Exchange
C) Digital payments
D) Loans


A) Shells, stones, and beads
B) Coins and paper money
C) Digital cards
D) Loans and credits

A) China, during the Tang Dynasty
B) Lydia, around 600 BC
C) Europe, during the Middle Ages
D) America, in the 19th century

A) They were heavy
B) Their value was unclear
C) They were easy to carry
D) They were made of paper

(6)本文中の「Digital money」には硬貨や紙幣は含まれますか。はい・いいえで答えてください。




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