Spinoza Note 31: [定理16] 無限にものが生じる


Ex necessitate divinæ naturæ, infinita infinitis modis (hoc est, omnia, quæ sub intellectum infinitum cadere possunt) sequi debent.

Eliot訳:From the necessity of the divine nature must follow an infinity of
modes (that is everything which can fall under be comprehended in an infinite intellect).
Elwes訳:From the necessity of the divine nature must follow an infinite number of things in infinite ways - that is, all things which can fall within the sphere of infinite intellect.


∀x. is-cause-of( god, x )

「無限に多くのものが無限に多くの仕方で」というところを素通りしている。また生じるものが「無限の知性によって把握されうるすべてのもの」と補足説明されることもやり過ごしている。省略せず、どこまで Spinoza の思考に追従できるか。


Hæc Propositio unicuique manifesta esse debet, si modò ad hoc attendat, quòd ex datâ cujuscunque rei Definitione plures proprietates intellectus concludit, quæ reverâ ex eadem (hoc est, ipsâ rei essentiâ) necessariò sequuntur, & eò plures, quò plus realitatis rei definitio exprimit, hoc est, quò plus realitatis rei definitæ essentia involvit.

Elwes 訳:This proposition will be clear to everyone, who remembers that from the given definition of any thing the intellect infers several properties, which really necessarily follow therefrom (that is, from the actual essence of the thing defined); and it infers more properties in proportion as the definition of the thing expresses more reality, that is, in proportion as the essence of the thing defined involves more reality.



Cùm autem naturâ divina infinita absolutè attributa habeat (per Defin. 6), quorum etiam unumquodque infinitam essentiam in suo genere exprimit, ex ejusdem ergò necessitate infinita infinitis modis (hoc est, omnia, quæ sub intellectum infinitum cadere possunt) necessariò sequi debent. Q.E.D.

Elwes訳(続き):Now, as the divine nature has absolutely infinite attributes (by Def. vi.), of which each expresses infinite essence after its kind, it follows that from the necessity of its nature an infinite number of things (that is, everything which can fall within the sphere of an infinite intellect) must necessarily follow. Q.E.D.

粗訳(後半):神性が絶対無限の属性を備え(定義6より)(Spinoza Note 09: 神は無限にある諸属性を通じて顕現する、を参照のこと)、各属性が(その類における)無限の活動を表すことから、次のことが成り立つ。神の摂理が必然なので、無限に多くの物事が必ず生じる。それら無限に多くの事物は、無限知性の領域に収まる。


  • 神は絶対無限の属性を備える

  • 各属性は無限に活動する

  • ゆえに無限のもの(様態)が生じる

  • それらはすべて無限の知性に捕捉される

