

10月2日より,日本では,一般社団法人電力データ管理協会(Secured Meter Data Sharing Association)が,東京電力パワーグリッド株式会社の供給区域を対象として,認定電気使用者情報利用者等協会制度に基づく電力データの有償提供サービスを開始した。認定電気使用者情報利用者等協会制度は,2022年4月に施行された電気事業法の改正により,一定のルールのもと,電気事業者以外の事業者も含めて,電力データの活用が可能となった。需要家保護に万全を期すとともに利便性確保の観点から,各一般送配電事業者が保有する個々の需要家の電力データを,その需要家からの同意取得に基づき,1つの窓口で一括して入手・利用することができる仕組みである。


Commencement of Electricity Data Provision Service:October 14th(Saturday)

Starting from October 2nd, in Japan, the General Incorporated Association for Electricity Data Management, also known as the Secured Meter Data Sharing Association, initiated a paid service for providing electricity data based on the Certified Electric User Information Utilization Association system within the supply area of Tokyo Electric Power Grid Co., Ltd. The Certified Electric User Information Utilization Association system, established as a result of amendments to the Electricity Business Act in April 2022, enables the utilization of electricity data under certain rules, allowing entities other than electricity providers to access this data. This is done to ensure consumer protection and enhance convenience from a utility perspective.

The mechanism allows each general distribution and transmission operator to collectively obtain and utilize individual consumer electricity data, based on consent obtained from those consumers through a single interface.

The electricity data provided by the Secured Meter Data Sharing Association consists of usage and reception records in 30-minute intervals up to the day before measurement by electricity meters. The coverage area is expected to expand to include all ten conventional national electricity companies by December 2024. Following the opening of electricity data utilization, one of the expected outcomes is various energy-saving measures as a result of the expansion of energy conservation services. Traditionally, electricity companies held a monopoly on electricity data, but as of October 2nd, the Secured Meter Data Sharing Association, with its 23 member companies and organizations, is taking the lead in utilizing electricity data, with the anticipation of advancing the economic efficiency in electricity usage through the creation of new management services related to electricity supply and demand.