



Chu Ei Scholarship:May 8th(Monday)

I received a scholarship from Chuei Scholarship Foundation (Japan Paper Pulp Corporation) during my student years from 1982 to 1984, which was a stipend-based scholarship. I am truly grateful to the Chuei Scholarship Foundation for providing me with a monthly scholarship of 50,000 yen from my second to fourth year of university, as I was one of the struggling students. If I were successful in business, I would like to repay them somewhat, but unfortunately, due to my impoverished retirement, I hope to make some contribution in my field of expertise.

In that sense, I have a sense of mission that I must contribute to the resolution of energy and environmental issues as something that I should contribute to society. We must contribute to the realization of the 2050 carbon neutral goal through decarbonization and sustainability.