



The lifespan of perovskite solar cells may reach 20 years (?):February 22nd(Thursday)

According to reports today from Nikkei Quick News, there is a prospect that the lifespan of perovskite solar cells, which have been advancing in technology development at a rapid pace based on a paper presented by Professor Tsutomu Miyasaka of Toin Yokohama University in 2009, could reach 20 years.

Professor Yutaka Matsuo of Nagoya University and others focused on the electron transport layer and, in collaboration with Resonac, were able to enhance durability. Perovskite solar cells can be lightweight and flexible, eliminating the need for vast land use like silicon-based solar cells. The manufacturing cost is also half as much as silicon-based solar cells and does not require many rare metals. This is why there is strong interest from an economic security perspective. Institutions, universities, and companies worldwide are fiercely competing in this field. While aiming for domestic technology is commendable, the speed of global competition may be so fast that it does not allow for it.