






People of Mikawa:September 1st(Friday)

In the NHK Educational TV program "100 Minutes of Great Books," Ryotaro Shiba's novel "The House of the Shogun" was featured.

"The House of the Shogun" is a historical novel that portrays Tokugawa Ieyasu, who established the Edo period, a peaceful era that spanned 260 years in Japan. Rather than focusing on Tokugawa Ieyasu himself, Ryotaro Shiba, who favored Toyotomi Hideyoshi to some extent, depicted the characteristics of the people of Mikawa, known as the "Mikawa spirit," which is quite striking.

As one of the people from Mikawa myself, I found it easy to nod in agreement and understand. The unique trait of the people of Mikawa, who were samurai from the Mikawa region, is their tendency not to boast about their accomplishments even after winning battles. On the other hand, Ryotaro Shiba’s portrayal of the "Mikawa spirit" also highlights the drawback of strong exclusivity among them.

The passage is as follows: "In terms of the people, they are simple and endure hardships, valuing loyalty and righteousness more than personal gain. This makes them notably distinct from the intelligent people of Owari province. Just as the Mikawa dog is known for its loyalty among dogs, these people are loyal to their lords. When entrusted with the defense of a castle, they are unparalleled in strength, and on the battlefield, they fight without knowing retreat." This description can also be found in the Muromachi period's "Jinkokuki."

Since it was the Mikawa samurai with this "Mikawa spirit" who played a role in establishing the Tokugawa shogunate, the program seems to suggest that these characteristics might be connected to the shared traits of the people of Edo and, ultimately, modern-day Japanese people.