




Significant fluctuations in the yen-dollar exchange rate:April 29th (Monday)

Today is "Showa Day" in Japan, a national holiday. While many markets around the world are closed on weekends, FX trading is possible on holidays.

In today's Tokyo foreign exchange market, the yen-dollar exchange rate fluctuated significantly around 1 p.m. Around noon, the yen-dollar exchange rate briefly reached the 160 yen/dollar level, indicating yen depreciation and dollar appreciation. After 1 p.m., the exchange rate quickly swung to yen appreciation and dollar depreciation, fluctuating to the 154 yen/dollar level. Some in the market perceived this as possible intervention by Japan's financial authorities. With it being a holiday in Japan and trading volume low, exchange rates are prone to significant fluctuations.

This marks the first time in 34 years for the yen to weaken significantly against the dollar. Export-oriented companies like Toyota not only benefit from competitive pricing in dollar-denominated products but also generate substantial exchange gains when converting dollar revenues into yen. Conversely, mineral resources such as oil and natural gas traded in dollars are experiencing expanded yen-denominated payments due to the strong dollar. In light of this, one might consider introducing a form of exchange "tax."