


August 13th (Sunday): Descriptive Statistics, Inferential Statistics, and Bayesian Statistics

For everything, the "visualization" based on data is demanded.
In a nutshell, descriptive statistics is based on a complete enumeration survey (sample ≈ population), and it reveals the nature and characteristics of the data. Inferential statistics (estimation statistics) involves revealing the nature and characteristics of the entire population (population) from a subset of samples. Bayesian statistics, on the other hand, reveals the nature and characteristics of the entire population without requiring many samples.
With the advancement and proliferation of IoT and AI, Bayesian statistics, which align well with machine learning, is gaining attention. Bayesian statistics allows for setting prior probabilities even when the number of sample data is insufficient. The prior probabilities are adjusted with the addition of samples, updating the posterior probabilities. This process is repeated, leading to the derivation of the subjective probability of the event.