




GX Economic Transition Bonds:June 28th(Wednesday)

The GX (Green Transformation) Promotion Act will be enforced on Friday, June 30th this week. As part of this, the Japanese government plans to issue GX Economic Transition Bonds amounting to 20 trillion yen over a period of ten years, starting from this fiscal year, to support private decarbonization investments. Additionally, the government aims to promote decarbonization investments totaling 150 trillion yen in the public and private sectors over the next ten years.

Looking at the outstanding issuance balance of ESG bonds in the domestic ESG market in Japan at the end of fiscal year 2022, which stands at approximately 5 trillion yen, one can imagine the scale of 150 trillion yen in the public and private sectors. The purpose of the GX Economic Transition Bonds (20 trillion yen) is to provide funds to support private decarbonization investments. The specific projects eligible for this support will be determined by the government based on the following four conditions, which are planned to be consolidated into the outline of the budget request for fiscal year 2024 to be compiled in August of this year.

The four conditions are as follows: (1) Investment decisions by the private sector alone are difficult, (2) They contribute to both industrial competitiveness and the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, (3) They are integrated with regulatory and institutional reforms, (4) They lead to employment and investment expansion within the country.