



 まず,ガソリン価格(国内小売市場)の下方硬直性(価格が低下しづらいということ)についてみると,本事業の発動に際しての経済産業省資源エネルギー庁公表の資料(「コロナにおける燃料油価格 激変緩和対策事業の発動について」の中で,わざわざこの点を指摘している。つまり,同資料の中で,留意点として「燃料油価格の激変緩和が趣旨であり,急激な値上がりを抑制するもので,小売価格の値下げを促すものではない 。小売価格は,輸送コストの違いなどから地域差があり,すべての地域で170円以下に抑えようとするものではない」と記載されている。





Gasoline Subsidy Issue (Note 2: Downward Rigidity of Prices):November 12th(Sunday)

The following content is something that anyone with a sensible understanding of the petroleum industry should grasp. If we fail to speak the truth when it is necessary, the world might truly settle into a situation where "honesty is the best policy" becomes a mockery.

This is a supplementary explanation concerning the issue of gasoline subsidies in Japan (Fuel Oil Price Fluctuation Mitigation Project), specifically addressing the "downward rigidity of prices." In this context, the prices referred to are those of crude oil (international crude oil market) and gasoline (domestic retail market).

Firstly, looking at the downward rigidity of gasoline prices in the domestic retail market, information disclosed by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry's Agency for Natural Resources and Energy in the materials released at the initiation of this project is noteworthy. In the document titled "Regarding the Activation of the Fuel Oil Price Fluctuation Mitigation Project in the Age of Corona," it explicitly points out this aspect. In other words, the document states, as a point of caution, that "the purpose is to mitigate the rapid fluctuations in fuel oil prices, not to encourage a decrease in retail prices. Retail prices vary by region due to differences in transportation costs, and the intention is not to keep prices below 170 yen in all regions."

In reality, in the gasoline retail business, profit margins are small, and there is a constant incentive to raise gasoline retail prices. The inspection report on the "Fuel Oil Price Fluctuation Mitigation Project for the Fiscal Year 4 of Reiwa (2022)" by the Board of Audit of Japan on November 7th provides data demonstrating the downward rigidity of gasoline retail prices. In other words, the report discloses survey results indicating that the price difference has widened at about 70% of gasoline service stations (SS) when comparing the price difference between retail and wholesale prices for gasoline in the ten months before the start of this project (from April 2021 to January 2022) and the fourteen months after the start (from February 2022 to March 2023). This shows that while gasoline subsidies are being provided to petroleum wholesalers, gasoline consumers continued to buy gasoline at high prices. Given the increase in domestic gasoline sales volume in the fiscal year 2022 compared to the previous year, it is natural that household burdens have increased.

Next, there is the downward rigidity of crude oil prices in crude oil procurement. Due to the gasoline subsidy, the domestic gasoline sales volume has increased, ensuring that the crude oil processing volume at refineries does not decrease, and even if crude oil prices rise, crude oil demand does not decrease. The details of the content of the period contracts for crude oil transactions are confidential, so the specifics are unknown. However, the inventory valuation method during inventory liquidation needs to be rigorously examined. Petroleum products (LPG, gasoline, kerosene, jet fuel, light oil, heavy oil, etc.) are produced as continuous products from crude oil using atmospheric distillation units and other processes. How is the refining cost included in the wholesale prices of various petroleum products calculated? There are too many elements in this mysterious world, such as the unverifiable relationship between the market's crude oil prices and the actual transaction prices.