
Relationship between Wowoo and Wowoo Exchange

WowooとWowoo Exchangeの関連性について

Today I'd like to talk about the relationship between Wowoo Project (which I am leading) and Wowoo Exchange, the cryptocurrency exchanges operator.

本日はわたしが代表を務めるWowooプロジェクトと、取引所ビジネスを展開するWowoo Excahngeプロジェクトとの関連性について取り上げたいと思います

As you might know, Wowoo project has formed in the late 2017 and conducted its ICO campaign with the issued original token Wowbit (WWB) in early 2018.
The definition of ICO, in terms of as the mothod of fundraising or of an investing opportunity has greatly changed over the years, however, we are still able to see the future in various assets becoming tokenized or the Blockchain as a technology will be introduced in every corner of our society. We, Wowoo also aims to utilize the power of Blockchain to empower not only companies or projects with major brand, but also ordinary individuals to issue original tokens (or use WWB) in different situations, to create a new value (Token Economy) in the society through Social medias or E-commerce.


Through the visions of our proposed Ecosystem, we definitely saw the situations whereas people would own various tokens and exchange it with goods or services, but also the needs of exchanging to other tokens or even fiat currencies. The reason why we had released our mobile wallet prior to anything else of our project was because of our wish to make tokens closer to our daily lives. Our DEX app to be released soon will serve as both wallet and trading tool.
However, as IT society changes every day, it is not possible to abandon the literacy of security and compliance to run a successful business, so we at the same time felt that we needed alternative functions to serve for professional investors too with the understanding of RegTech field.


In 2018 we had gathered with the pioneers of Crypto space and decided to start Wowoo Exchange project in the aim to establish exchanges that are permitted by governments’ across the world, that not everyone can make. (In fact most of the exchanges are complete wild-wild-west style)

そのような中で2018年にブロックチェーン界におけるパイオニアたちの叡智を集結し、誰にでもできる無法地帯な取引所ではなく各国の法規制を遵守し認定されたライセンスドエクスチェンジとして他国展開することを目指したWowoo Exchangeプロジェクトが発足されました。

Although Wowoo Exchange shares the similar visions with Wowoo, I had no experience of Exchanges (stock or crypto) or connections with the governments etc, so we decided to collaborate as the brand licensor of "Wowoo" and serve as the branding partner.


We have been reported that in order to start Wowoo Exchange project, our partners have carefully examined the legal aspects and chose the appropriate local partners and decided to start in Singapore as the 1st exchange. Although as a result, the government policies have changed too often that it took longer than expected to open the exchange, but the preparation went good to aim for acquisition of crypto exchange license.


I personally as an investor, I can easily understand the investors in the project would prefer speed over quality and as long as the metal is still hot, there are more price actions to be expected.. So I was crossed about it but as a representative of the company, in which especially is the brand owner I felt that it was worth preparing to avoid security risks in order to not make the same mistakes as the other hacked exchanges, and instead run the exchange under the open eye of governments rather then being invisible. We are still only at the starting line but hopefully our effort will pay off.


After Singapore, Wowoo Exchange is now working on Hong Kong and Labuan (Malaysia) exchanges, and these 2 project is no different from the whole concept to prioritizing to become the licensed exchange, and expand its advantage in the time of reverse of power balance in the current exchanges. There seems to be much more improvements needed in the systems and operation of their project, but we will make sure to encourage them to improve the user experiences constantly and establish as a project that follows our brand image.


Lastly, I personally as well as Wowoo have been receiving crazy number of inquiries on the situation of WWX token. You may read about my opinions on token values or ICO in my first article here, but I am not able to make any comments on this matter. Please allow me personally to focus on WWB and business development of Wowoo products.

(Now, for the last 2 years there are not a single day for me that I did not see any claims and anger towards myself, my project, my partner projects, so please rest assured that those comments are well heard by me.)


The principle of the value on Utility Tokens are very simple. It lies on the rarity that the tokens can be used on something absolutely unique. Yes, the quality or fame of the service is the factor to maximize the price fluctuations brought as a side effect of market supply and demand, so we assure you that we will keep focusing to create an attractive long-lasting business as Wowoo and Wowoo Exchange.

ユーティリティートークンの価値は本質的にはシンプルなものであり、ユニークなサービスで利用できるという希少性のみに起因します。取引の需給によって値動きが生じるサイドエフェクトを最大化させるのもまたサービスの質や著名度であったりするので、Wowooプロジェクトについても、Wowoo Exchangeについても引き続き長期的に魅力のあるビジネスモデルを追求していきたいと思います。
