LGB and T are totally defferent.

If you were asked which you prefer, ramen or fried rice, which would you say?

I would say fried rice. When I go to a Chinese restaurant for the first time, the first thing I order is fried rice.

This is a matter of preference. There is no reason. I just have a feeling that I like fried rice. So there is no need for anyone to complain.

In the same way, LGB is also a matter of preference, of liking men or women, and it is not something that others should complain about.

But T, transgender, is not a matter of preference. It is a matter of defining oneself as male or female.

And the definition is not something you define for yourself. Society does. And the criteria are made clear to everyone.

"I like fried rice" is fine. But if I said, "I am fried rice," you would understand that this is wrong.

Therefore, whether I am a man or a woman is not a point to be worried about. On the contrary, it is impossible to worry about it.

However, everyone is free to have the desire to be a man or a woman.
