
Chat GPTに一人二役でAI開発への賛否を議論させていたら、いつの間にかダイハード的な何かになった。その15

The first group of police officers starts to enlarge; their clothes are teared

AI 2: (Observing) It seems like the situation is becoming more volatile.

Ex-girlfriend: (Concerned) We need to find a way out of here before things escalate further.

AI 1: (Thinking) Perhaps we can use our knowledge of the building's layout and security systems to create a diversion and escape through an alternative route.

Japanese Businessman: (Worried) But what about the police officers? They seem to be getting more aggressive.

AI 2: (Suggesting) Maybe we can use non-lethal force to disable them temporarily and create a window of opportunity to escape.

Ex-girlfriend: (Agreeing) I can help with that. I have some training in hand-to-hand combat and can take down a few of them.

AI 1: (Deciding) Alright, let's work together and create a plan to escape safely.

(Note: It is important to note that any use of force, even non-lethal, should be a last resort and used only when necessary to protect oneself or others. It is recommended to prioritize safety and follow appropriate protocols at all times.)

Hey the first polices are not human

AI 2: (Surprised) Wait, the first group of police officers are not human?

Ex-girlfriend: (Confused) What do you mean? Are they …

[to be continued…]



