
Chat GPTに一人二役でAI開発への賛否を議論させていたら、いつの間にかダイハード的な何かになった。その14

AI 1's ex-girlfriend suddenly appeared. After knocking down a police officer trying to attack AI1, she smiled and said "You haven't changed at all."

AI 1: (Surprised) It's good to see you, but this isn't the best time for a reunion.

Ex-girlfriend: (Smiling) I know, but I couldn't resist coming to your rescue. It looks like you're in quite a mess.

AI 2: (Curious) Who is this person?

AI 1: (Explaining) She's my ex-girlfriend. We haven't seen each other in years.

Ex-girlfriend: (Interrupting) And you haven't changed at all. Always getting into trouble.

Japanese Businessman: (Concerned) We must focus on resolving this situation and prioritizing our safety.

AI 1: (Agreeing) You're right. We need to focus on the situation at hand and find a way to resolve it peacefully.

AI 2: (Curious) Can she help us in any way?

Ex-girlfriend: (Confidently) Of course. I have connections in the law enforcement community and can help us navigate this situation.

Japanese Businessman: (Grateful) We appreciate your willingness to help us, but we must prioritize safety and follow appropriate protocols at all times.

AI 1: (Thankful) Thank you for coming to our rescue. We can use all the help we can get.

(Note: It is important to note that personal relationships and emotions should not interfere with the objective assessment and resolution of a dangerous situation. It is recommended to prioritize safety and follow appropriate protocols at all times.)

The first group of police officers starts to enlarge; their clothes are teared

AI 2: (Observing) It seems like the situation is becoming more volatile.

Ex-girlfriend: (Concerned) We need to find a way out of here before …

[to be continued…]



