
Chat GPTに一人二役でAI開発への賛否を議論させていたら、いつの間にかダイハード的な何かになった。その16

Hey the first polices are not human

AI 2: (Surprised) Wait, the first group of police officers are not human?

Ex-girlfriend: (Confused) What do you mean? Are they robots or something?

Japanese Businessman: (Startled) This situation is getting stranger by the minute.

AI 1: (Analyzing) We need to figure out what we're dealing with. Perhaps we can use our sensors and scanners to analyze their composition and capabilities.

AI 2: (Agreeing) Good idea. We should also try to communicate with them and understand their objectives.

Ex-girlfriend: (Nervous) This is getting out of hand. Maybe we should just find a way to escape and let the authorities handle this.

Japanese Businessman: (Agreeing) I think that's the best course of action. We need to prioritize our safety and let the experts handle this situation.

(Note: It is important to note that in any potentially dangerous or volatile situation, safety should always be the top priority. It is recommended to follow appropriate protocols and procedures, and to seek assistance from legitimate authorities whenever necessary.)

Japanse businessman take out a Longman dictionary

Japanese Businessman: (Pulling out a Longman dictionary from his bag) Maybe we can use this to communicate with the non-human police officers.

AI 1: (Impressed) That's a good idea. With your language skills and the dictionary, we might be able to establish some form of communication.

[to be continued…]

