
Summary of kindergarten costs in Japan

Hello, we are YUI!
We have introduced Japan's pre-elementary education system in our second note (https://note.com/foreign_yui/n/n52d58f89fb89).
This time we would like to talk about kindergarten costs in Japan.

Japan's Kindergartens System

On our second note, we have mentioned that The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology has jurisdiction over kindergartens. The School Education Law defines kindergartens as the stage of schooling before primary school.

There are both public and private kindergartens in Japan. The cost of private school is determined by the institution while public school is determined by the local government. Public kindergartens charge between 100,000 and 200,000 yen per year, while private kindergartens charge between 300,000 and 700,000 yen per year. Compared to public kindergartens, private kindergartens have a larger average number of students and some offer different activities for children and even parents in different seasons. In addition, although there is no bus service in general, parents are requested to drop off and pick up their children, and some private schools are providing such services.

Public and private kindergartens

The operation of kindergartens can be divided into two main sections: the establishment entity and the management entity. Both the establishment and the management entity can be divided into public and private parts. National and public kindergartens fall into the public category, run by local authorities such as prefectural, and municipal. Meanwhile, the private ones are non-public established and run. There is a wide range of management entities, including school corporations, religious corporations, public service corporations, agricultural cooperatives, social welfare corporations and individuals. And one of the most evident differences between those two schools is the burden related to education costs, public kindergartens tend to be lower than private ones.

Free-of-charge system

In order to provide high-quality early childhood education opportunities to all children who wish to receive it, the Japanese government issued a "free of charge" policy in 2019. In principle, not only national and public but also private kindergartens would be targeted, however, for those kindergartens that are not covered by the new system, the reduced fee could be up to 25,700 yen monthly.

Free early childhood education and care
Sources: https://www8.cao.go.jp/shoushi/shinseido/musyouka/about/index.html

In the case of Higashi-Hiroshima City

The following file listed the facilities eligible for the free-of-charge policy.

Given that the detail of eligibility and procedures differ depending on the facility used, age of the child and the household situation, if you want to know about more information, please check the city official website, you can find all the files related to the grant aid. Despite the free of charge policy, the actual costs of teaching materials and other expenses may still required based on the institutions.

After graduating from kindergartens, children will go to the elementary school, which is compulsory education. Policy exemptions for primary education are constantly being updated as well and we would like to update the information in the first moments. 

If you would like to know more, please do not hesitate to contact me via comments, SNS, or email.

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