
Gospel Testimony



The expectation of two millenniums finally come true!

Nowadays, disasters around the world become more and more, earthquakes, tsunami, floods, and famine frequently occur, various omens of the Lord’s return have fundamentally been fulfilled. Yearning for


The World Is Beset by Disaster: How Are We to Be Raptured Before the Great Tribulation?

Today, catastrophes around the world are becoming ever-more severe. The news is filled with stories of plagues, earthquakes, floods, and droughts. Have you ever thought to yourself: The prophecies of


The Mystery of Descending of the Kingdom of Heaven

Bothers and sisters in the Lord all know that the Lord Jesus once promised two thousand years ago, “In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a


Whose Words Should Be Heeded When Investigating the True Way

Two thousand years ago, the Jewish people desperately yearned for the coming of Messiah. However, when Messiah, the Lord Jesus, really came, the Jewish people blindly obeyed those words that the Phari


Find the Only Path to Entry Into the kingdom of Heaven.

On the matter of how to enter the kingdom of heaven, many people believe that the Lord would come in the last days, instantly change their images, make them sanctified, and directly lift them into the
