Start of 30 Day Blogging Challenge


I decided to start this blogging challenge in order to organize my thoughts and also change my daily focus on myself and not others.

Social Media became one of the essentials of our daily life and it was hard for me to not think about others whenever I was doing something. I have spent my teenage years with social media since then it was normal for my thoughts to naturally be occupied with what would others think about xxx or if they will value me less because I have not done xxx. Everything was based on others, their views, their thoughts and I just wanted to put myself first starting from today. 

Meeting new people, I came to the realization that people who put themselves first but still can care about others are the happiest people who seems to be living their life to their fullest. I am an adult now and I believe I can be both, Selfish but yet Caring. 

It would be great if you could follow my  30days challenge blog with me and see the small change in my thought process and it would also be an experiment for me to see if my priority in life would change. 

At the same time, I will try to stay away from social media (Instagram, Facebook, Youtube) and use these social media to just chat and keep in touch with them. 

Let the experiment begin!!
