My opinion on cheating on people

Hi there,

its day 10, 1/3 of my blogging is done. 

so today's topic is about cheating..

The definition of cheating varies from people but according to Urban Disctiroy it is

"Someone who is in a committed relationship and breaks the trust of his or her partner by getting physically or emotionally involved with another person."

so let's limit the perspective to a relationship and what I consider cheating. 

For me, trust is a big part of the relationship. To build trust it takes so long but to break it, it happens in a second. 

If the person happens to make someone who is the opposite gender that he values/treasures more than me, I consider that cheating. If he priorities the other person more than me, cares about her more than me I think there, my trust/belief/love disappears.

I think everything has a purpose. A relationship, for example, the end goal for many is to find the partner you want to spend time with, especially when you turn into your 20s, that will be your purpose. (not to say dating for fun is a great thing too)

The period we are in a relationship is very short, compared to the lifetime we have. If the partner cannot show respect/love in a short time, how can they continue to love you for the long life ahead of you? that's why I will never allow cheating. it's an action that your partner took to show you that you are no value, which is farrr from the truth. Everyone has the right to be valued, loved, and cared for, and your partner if he does truly love you will never want you to feel that you are devalued or not important.  

I realized to keep a healthy relationship it is very important to feel valued and loved by the other person. When you declare to be with someone, you make a commitment to make the other person happy. and when "like" turns into "love", you only wish their happiness over yours and the relationship is just a testing period. 

Cheating is out of the question. Cheating wastes both of the person's time. No positive comes out of it. No goal is achieved. For any reason, I don't think I can forgive and I do not want myself to forgive the other even in any circumstance because it will hurt myself. 

I guess the component is we are all born to be valued. if your partner can't even satisfy that simple thing, why waste your time for him/her?

Let's end it here. I always go off topic but I like brainstorming hehe

Anyways, thanks for reading.

sweet dreams, bye. 
