
Luchu(Ryukyu)continues to exist! 琉球国は存続中で沖縄県は日本の植民地!#6





To Luchuans(Ryukyuans)

Perhaps for the first time in Japanese history!

A Japanese court has taken up the issue about the Luchuan people!

This is Matsushima-san’s assertion that the Luchus are a colony of Japan and that the Luchuan people are indigenous people.

Normally, the people involved with Okinawa prefecture’s government and assembly should take the initiative, but Matsushima-san and his group of supporters took action.

I am also supporting it.

What Matsushima-san has presented to court, although being just common sense, is that the remains of Luchuans robbed by Kyoto University before the war are to be returned.

However, since the university has ignored Matsushima-san’s pleas, filled with indignation he presented the case to the court.

Kyoto University should have returned those remains without questioning.

The fact that this court has stated that Luchuans are not “people of Okinawa prefecture” but Luchuan people and that their country, Luchu, is occupied by Japan is a major breakthrough.

However, from the perspective of the Japanese, this sounds like sheer nonsense.

Indigenous peoples around the world were violently conquered and were completely stripped of their human rights and land. Presently, the UN is promoting the idea that these human rights are to be returned to these indigenous people.

In Japan, a lot of people might think that China is a backward country, but that country recognises 55 indigenous people in their territory.

We are in a situation where Japan has finally recognised, albeit reluctantly, the Ainu as indigenous and we, the Luchuans, have responded UN’s question that we are yet to be recognised.

And we, Luchuans, are also not willing to recognise ourselves as such. The situation is that most people are not being able to see that.

The reason for that is that we, Luchuans, do not know our own history and we also do not teach it.

Also although Luchuans are indigenous people of the Luchus, the Japanese media and our own media do not say anything about the obvious fact that we were annexed by the Japanese in 1879.

In 1879, Okinawa prefecture was violently established and Luchuans, who refused to work in the newly-established prefectural government, were tortured.

It’s a historical fact that they couldn’t endure it and begged for forgiveness. Thus they were forced to work at the prefectural government

How can we, Luchuans, know this history?

I have studied the history of the Luchus for more than 20 years and, to be frank, only the distorted parts of the history of the Luchus are described in books and in the internet.

The main parts of history are either omitted or twisted, at the convenience of the Japanese.

I cannot help but say that it’s extremely difficult for the ordinary person to see history from the perspective of the Luchuan people.

That is to say, telling history from the Luchuan standpoint means to convey to the reader the obvious fact that Luchu must become independent from Japan and become once again a sovereign country.

Anything is valid. Please read about the history of the Luchus in books or articles.

Can you think that Luchuans should become independent if you read about their history?

This is the complete response.

We were a country that was recognised by the world until 1879.

Since 1609 we were invaded by Satsuma, but Satsuma and the Edo administration did everything to conceal their control to the other countries.

This way, they have exploited the profit that Luchu had with its trade with China for about 270 years.

If we read the books on history that we see around, we only see that Luchu has ended in 1879 and Okinawa prefecture has been established in its place.

However, this is the history from the Japanese perspective.

We are Luchuans.

From the Luchuan standpoint, Luchu continues to exist

We are a colony of Japan and the United States!

Needless to say, it is possible for us, Luchuans, to become once again independent if we wish for it.

(Translated by Akira Uema )
