Month Mini Fasting Challenge

1) Background:

At 46, as a middle-aged entrepreneur with a growing belly, I realized I was facing a crisis both in my private and business life. The strong sense of urgency that this realization brought about was the catalyst for starting this fasting journey.

I reached my highest weight ever, 84 kilograms. Everything felt burdensome due to my overweight condition, and the feeling of being stuck intensified. Moreover, physical anomalies such as numbness in my limbs, nosebleeds, and headaches became a regular occurrence.

Additionally, I often found myself struggling to find solutions in my business, feeling like I was wandering in the dark.

“I need to lose weight, regain my health, and make decisive business decisions. Fasting is the only solution,” I thought, and thus decided to undertake a 1-month mini fasting challenge.

2) Reason for Believing Fasting is Beneficial for Business:

I was influenced by reading the section “Self-Reformation through Fasting” in Mr. Nitori’s autobiography “Luck is Created.”

“Work fails when one forgets the position of others due to ego and pride. As long as there is desire, it won’t work. One must become nothing. (omitted) It’s because of past success experiences and desires without substantial experience that one fails. The only way to understand the customer’s position is to make yourself zero.”

Reading this passage made me deeply realize that many of my failures were due to being submerged in ego, pride, and self-indulgence, neglecting the position and feelings of others.

I believe fasting, even if only temporarily, can liberate me from these bindings and open new horizons, which led me to this 1-month mini fasting challenge.

3) Goals and Duration:

Goal: Lose 14 kilograms, from 84 kg to 70 kg in a month.
Duration: Starting on June 10, 2024

4) Daily Intake:

Since it’s a mini fast, I won’t be doing a harsh water-only fast but will follow this intake regimen:

• 3 cups of chai tea with honey per day
• Vegetable smoothies in appropriate amounts when hunger becomes unbearable

I won’t consume any solid food, but based on past experience, I believe I can manage this for 3 weeks to a month. Additionally, I will meditate for an hour daily to prepare my body and mind to reset to zero. After fasting, to reduce the burden on my stomach and intestines, I will gradually reintroduce food over a week.

5) Monitoring Methods:

• Daily tracking of weight changes
• Recording the state of mind and body

6) Expected Outcomes:

Weight loss and improved health: I hope to be liberated from the burden of a heavy body and regain a positive mindset.
Liberation leading to new decisions: I aim to free myself from the cluttered and stuck mindset, enabling better business decisions.

7) Summary:

Through my mini fasting experience, I hope to provide valuable information to middle-aged people in their 40s to 50s struggling with business and health, and help them find a solution to their challenges.
