
Fujitsu General Post Article

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Fujitsu General Exhibition Report - MCE 2024

>日本語版を読む Fujitsu General (Italia) S.p.A (hereafter, FGIT), responsible for Fujitsu General Sales in Italy, joined the international trade show MCE 2024 (March 12 to 15). Here is our report! About the MCE Exhibition 🚩MCE (Mostra Convegno E

Let’s see the response about KAGAMI remote control from the U.S.! Employee Interview vol.2

>日本語版を読む *This article is a translated version, which was published on December 10, 2023 Our air conditioner remote control, designed for North American use, seamlessly merges with any interior and living space, almost like a mirror. We h

What is a mirror-like remote control that blends in with the interior?Untold Story of the Development Process: Employee interview with a design engineer

>日本語版を読む *This article is a translated version, which was published on August 25, 2023 This is a sudden question, but how do you feel about the way your air conditioner remote control looks? I guess perhaps it’s a white, elongated one mad