
Jelly fishy

What's your favorite animal Natsuko?

I like cats. They do nothing to live. Lay in the sun light. They love their owners. They are like queens. Mine is named Summer Child, like me.  

Queen Natsuko. "Whatever"! Anyways I like dragons. Their bad ass. On top of the food chain. No one sees them, but they exist. They come to me in my dreams and say, "Taaaakumaaahhh"! Come take you place amongst us. We've missed you. Stop playing human. I told you that human girl was no good for you. You see, she dumped you for that American.  

Oh sh_t, your ex Reiko? Freaking American's. They think they own everything! Come guys! Real animals! As for me its dogs. I have a black one. Its name is Darth Vader. He almost died 3 times. Once attacked by his son, and the other 2 times health related. He's dam old.


Jellyfish. I mean it is a cross between a shark or a jellyfish, but judging on my appearance, I don't look like a shark. Something about the jellyfish makes me comfortable and calm. 

What? Their not even cool. They sting and look ugly. They can't even communicate. They don't have a brain or bones. If your nick name was jellyfish, you would definitely not get a girlfriend. 

Well besides being mysterious and lacking bones, there is a strange link between me and them. They float from here and there aimlessly and yet, they are where their supposed to be naturally. Look at us humans. We need a clock and calendar to get where were supposed to be. 


I think we are the ones who are slowly becoming brainless. Can you remember your own phone number? How about your friends and families numbers? Their birthdays? You next appointment? "Smart phones!" I mean they are not called Dumb phones. Look, your forgetting how to write kanji, Kenji!
Anyhow, as I was explaining, I may be a jellyfish who turned human. I'm from San Diego and every boy surfed. If you wanted a girlfriend, you had to. Everyone knew that. I have been stung many times. Florida and Hawaii. How is it that I get stung where there are like hundreds of other people in the ocean near me? 
The first time, It felt like I had an irritating sun burn that seemed to be stronger than usual. "Jellyfish"! Hot bikini girls lay all over the beach. I didn't want to look like a crybaby b_tch so I held the pain in. The next few times, Hawaii, I got tagged on my neck, in my arm pit, and arms.  Just shrugged my shoulders, "not again"! Calmly walked out of the ocean. 90 meters away I can see the life guard tower. With my chest out and strutting on the hot beach sand. Checking out the girls, pointing my fingers at them, "Pow", oh yah, I'm cool as ice baby.
Finally make to the guard station. "Oh-man, you got stung bruda!" 2 options. I can piss on ya, or spray some of this vinegar on it. Oh and put this heating pad on it too. Damn idiots think ice works. 

"Ahh, what's the point?"

"Oh, right!" People can criticize me and I wont break. I have no bones. I don't need a house. The ocean's my home. I go here and there because I just do.
