
Sleep is a dream he chases, but rarely captures. Mr. Medicine Eye.

He sits in a prominent middle position.
Easily accessed.
Empty of privacy.
Always questioned.
Exhausted, never tired.
Stress is his favorite snack. He snacks all day!

He is Mr. Medicine Eye.
He can fix it! He has an eye for medicine.
Fix what?
What ever "it" is, he can fix it!

The crows feet deepen on the outer corners of his eyes.
The valley which separates the bridge of his nose to his forehead widens.
The only irritation is the slight headache caused from a consistent ear to ear smile maintained through the duration of the millions of micro actions happening beneath his feet.

Responsibility is his breakfast.

A brief lunch. Each briefer than before. A hot throw away foam cup of courage. Places his stoned hands together in prayer, closes his eyes, and rest his thumbs on his upper lip.
Thank you Momofuku Ando.
Chicken flavored and a plastic fork.  

Honor is for dinner.

Sleep is a dream he chases but rarely captures.
Women capture him. Sleep is just a dream.

-Cute girl 1-

*Can I get you something to drink? I'm going to Starbucks!

-Cute girl 2-

*Were having a hotel party. You should come. Don't worry about drinking too much. There is lots of room to sleep. Don't say you'll come and then don't come like you always do! Cute girl 1 and 4 will come too.

-Hot woman 3, older, mature, attractive-

*I love your hair. Do you use conditioner?

Focused on the computer screen and still typing.
He inhales deeply as her fingers "slowly" stroke through his hair from the front to the back of his head.
Thinking? This is sexual harassment! Though these days sexual harassment is a one way street.
He never, ever, dares to make a claim.
At the end of the day. He can't say no and follows her "implied" command.

Even after eating responsibility. Consuming courage. All day snacking on stress. This evening he must skip honor to deal with "one" of the millions of actions happening beneath his feet.  

Sleep is a dream he chases but rarely captures.

-Attractive girl 4-

*Do you have a minute?
I broke up with my girlfriend. She never understands me.
I like talking to you. You understand me!

Think? I don't need to dream tonight!
