
Drink some warm sake Ryoma.

Ryoma, where are you going?


I don't think that's a good idea. Even the streets have ears this time at night. Were on the wanted list. You are most wanted.

-Don't worry. I can take out a few men myself and I'm not alone. I have my gun!

What's that gona do? The sword is better. It's faster. You are good with it. Don't rely on western tech. Plus, you don't even practice with it.

-Naruhodo! Your right. Maybe! It's too cold too.

You're important bro! You started this movement. I heard they're paying a gold coin for any information leading to our capture. 2 coins for your death. Your the man! Both the women and the gumi want you badly ne!


Judging from your silence, you agree.
Sit down!
You may be great with the sword, but I'm better with the bow. Let me see your gun.


Here! Take this sake and let me hold your gun.
Wow, it's a fascinating piece. It's so short. How are you supposed to aim with such a short length? It's useless in a fight.
Last week we fought against some solders. They collaborated with the gumi.
The government really wants us. 
They used guns. We narrowly escaped. My ears were ringing for a hour after the fight. Things broke all around us but none of us got injured.
Useless weapons. 
I was frightened, frozen by the loud bag. It was my first time to experience guns. Shocked, I looked for an escape. We all did. I hate guns.
Cowards couldn't face us with swords!

-Ok, ok! Just don't point it at me.
What are you doing?

The point is too short!

-It's called a barrel.

The barrel is too short.  I'm tying an arrow to the barrel. See!
Better! Now make the gun and barrel an extension of your arm. Like pointing your finger at something you really want.  The tip of the arrow is your finger.
Just as you aim the point of your sword to your enemy. Practice!
How does it work?

-Hold the gun in your strong hand. Put your index finger on the trigger. When you want to shoot, use your thumb and pull back and down on the hammer.


-The the thing on the top.
Then pull the trigger. "BOOM!"
That's it!

How useless! Too many moves for one purpose.
It's small and heavy.
And the point is too short.


Anyways. While your hiding out, you can quietly practice your aim.
If I can hit a target 22 meters away, you can hit it 9 meters or less with accuracy. I'll call it your metal bow.
Keep the arrow.
"Please practice". It will make me feel better.
I hate western tech.
And if I die because of you using that useless gun, I will come back and haunt you every time you have a bottle of warm sake.

-Were gona die!

Don't say things like that Ryoma!

-I don't fear death.
I fear not being able to see the future of Japan.
I will practice like you have taught me.

Good! More sake?
I promise! Tomorrow night we will go get women!

-"Shhh! I heard something!"
