
The ghost in a void has a purpose.

There is an uncountable value of being seen.
Of being noticed or relevant.
Of being mentioned in conversation.
Of being recognized or praised for an ability or appearance.

I myself have put effort and creative thinking into not being seen.
How to enhance my ninja-ness. How to improve stealth. How to be a Ghost black belt.  
I am Mr. Unnoticed.

I tend to float, not walk.
Like water poured into a maze. It naturally goes into one place. Away from another. Filling the area. Touching the corners. Then easily slipping away.
Leaving the once filled space, empty. A past presence with no evidence.
In a sense, I'm not a void. I'm the air in a void. 

In Japanese culture. There is a beauty in that which is simple. Almost unseen or barely noticed. Minor cracks which were repaired are looked over by the user as they drink their coffee with 3 sugars and 2 creams.
For the cup still holds. It's usefulness proven.
What other purpose is there, if what can be done is done?

Nowadays, it's over sized colored contact lenses, long eyelashes, and slim legs in short skirts to appear long. No doubt this is lovely to me.
Mature men with dyed hair. Grey and silver lines unattractive.
Is this lovely to thee? Thee as a woman?
However oddly enough, My opinion only matters to me.
A void. I feel that I'm the only one who can see.

It's a kind of guilty pleasure to be an ant. To be a ghost. To be the black bird in the tree.
A benefit of being a shadow is,
I don't bother you. I keep to me.

On the other hand, I am seen. Unfortunately?
I help.
I assist.
I correct.
I protect.
Actions that any man would expect.
It's at these times, people notice me.

Being a ghost is not an easy task.
There are 7.9 billion voids in this world.
I like being useful. Being used.
Breath me in.
I am Mr. Unnoticed.   
