
Fairy language④ ~Word③~

Word: Φ(Fa)
Category: Fairy word
Meaning: to
意味: 日本語版で使わない

Word: K'an
Category: abbreviation
Meaning: I am (Ku an)
意味: 日本語版で使わない

Word: N'an
Category: abbreviation
Meaning: You are(Na an)
意味: 日本語版で使わない

Word: Soweli(そうぇり)
Category: Toki Pona word
Meaning: Animal
意味: 動物

Word: Tope (とぺ)
Category: Ainu word
Meaning: milk
意味: 乳(液体)

Word: laso(らそ)
Category: Toki Pona word
Meaning: Blue
意味: 青色

Word: Jelo(いぇろ)
Category: Toki Pona word
Meaning: Yellow
意味: 黄色

Word: Loje(ろいぇ)
Category: Toki Pona word
Meaning: Red
意味: 赤色

Word: Walo(わろ)
Category: Toki Pona word
Meaning: White
意味: 白色

Word: Kunne(くんね)
Category: Ainu word
Meaning: Black
意味: 黒色

Word: tan(たん)
Category: Toki Pona word
Meaning : from
意味: ~から

例文: Youtube たん きました
意味: Youtube から きました

Word: Ma(ま)
Category: Toki Pona word
Meaning: place,area,room
意味: 場所、部屋、領域

Word: Σ(sig)
Category: Fairy word
Meaning: of
意味: 日本語版では使わない

Word: Cise(ちせ)
Category: Ainu word
Meaning: house, home
意味: 家

Word: Monsi(もんし)
Category: Toki Pona word
Meaning: back, behind
意味: 後ろ

Word: Nasa(なさ)
Category: Toki Pona word
Meaning: crazy, go to crazy, confuse
意味: おかしい、狂う、混乱する

Word: Nasawakka(なさわっか)
Category: synthetic word (Nasa+wakka)
Meaning: alcohol (crazy+water)
意味: 酒

Word: Sona(そな)
Category: Toki Pona word
Meaning: learn, learning, study, knowledge
意味: 学ぶ、勉強、知識

Word: Ipema(いぺま)
Category: synthetic word (Ipe+ma)
Meaning: kitchen(food+room)
意味: キッチン、台所

Word: Hemanta jelly(へまんたじぇりー)
Category: Synthetic word(Hemanta+jelly)
Meaning: When(What time)
意味: いつ

Word: Kao(かお)
Category: Japanese word
Meaning: Face
意味: かお

Word: Pewre(ぺうれ)
Category: Ainu word
Meaning: young
意味: 若い

Word: Asirpe(あしりぺ)
Category: Synthetic word(Asir+pe)
Meaning: newbe (New+man)
意味: 新人、新入り、初見

Word: Haw(はう)
Category: Ainu word
Meaning: listen, hear, voice
意味: 聞く、声

Word: Sinotcha(しのっちゃ)
Category: Ainu word
Meaning: song
意味: 歌

Word: Sinot(しのっと)
Category: Fairy word
Meaning: play
意味: 演奏する、歌う

Word: Hemantama(へまんたま)
Category: Synthetic word(Hemanta+ma)
Meaning: Where(What+place)
意味: どこ

Word: tanne(たんね)
Category Ainu word
Meaning: long
意味: 長い

Word: akka(あっか)
Category: Fairy Word(Ainu word trans)
Meaning: more
意味: もっと

例文: あっか たんね
意味: もっと ながい

Word: minakao(みなかお)
Category: Synthetic word(mina+kao)
Meaning: smile(laugh+face)
意味: 笑顔

Word: Φo(ふぉ)
Category: Fairy word
Meaning: for
意味: ~によって

Yesterday Once more(Nuamn Once more) Ver 0.04

Hemanta jelly Ku poy pewre, Ku kored haw Φ the radio
When I was young I'd listen to the radio

Waitin' for ku Φo favorite sinotchas
Waitin' for my favorite songs

Hemanta jelly they sinoted ku kored sing along
When they played I'd sing along

Sore made ku kor minakao
It made me smile

Those an such happy jellies
Those were such happy times

And somo so tanne ago
And not so long ago

How ku wondered hemantama they kored gone
How I wondered where they'd gone

Corka, they an monsi again
But thery're back again

Just suki a tanne lost friend
Just like a long lost friend

All the sinotchas Ku loved so pirka
All the songs I loved so well

Every sha-la-la-la
Every wo-o-o-o
Still shines
Every shing-a-linga-ling

Are they an  startin' Φ sinot's so prika
That they're startin' to sing's so fine

Hemanta jelly get Φ the part
When they get to the part

Hemantama he an breaking her heart
Where he's breaking her heart.

Sore easky sonno make ku kor cry.
It can really make me cry.

Just suki before.
Just like before.

Sore an numan once akka.
It's yesterday once more.
