

I'm a Japanese musician called "F-MAD", and I have an activity called "SOUSAKU GEKIBUN" on Twitter.

I'll explain the purpose of the "SOUSAKU GEKIBUN" activity.

The "industrial revolution" of Spotify and Deezer has made it easy for anyone to release music. This is both a good thing and a bad thing.

The population of artists has exploded, and the volume of daily releases is truly like a "tsunami".

There is a tragedy happening all over the world, where most artists are "weeded out" without even being recognized. No matter how good their work is, it will never see the light of day. They are simply swallowed up by the tsunami and disappear.

In Japan, there is a saying that "luck is part of your ability," but I dislike this saying. We creators should at least hope to be "shunned without being recognized. "Being weeded out without being recognized" is like singing in a garbage dump.

We are no longer "even observable objects". No matter how much you dream of being a superstar, you will never be a shining star in the night sky. "You are not even a phenomenon because you are not recognized.

So I have a suggestion for you guys. "All creators should follow each other. No matter how many followers you have, it's only a closed community of 10,000. You are the king of a country of 10,000, but I will never be able to reach you.

We have a great tool called social networking, but we are not making good use of it. Even if we raise our voices en masse in a dispersed manner, it will only be heard by two neighboring houses. We should "assemble" on Twitter and become "visible".

Businessmen seeking new stars are lost. Media who want to cover the underground scene have gone "diving sick" and left for heaven.

For both creators and businessmen, the current situation is not favorable. Now is the time for both sides to come together and seek a new way of being.

The name of this movement shall be "GEKIBUN".

★Step 1

"Follow all of F-MAD's followers. In order to spread this movement efficiently, it is more effective to focus your gaze on a single point.

★Step 2
The first step is to "make this movement itself known" by actively using the #GEKIBUN hashtag. Each of us is still an impotent force, but with a group of millions of mutual followers, the world will not be able to ignore us.

★Step 3
Actively engage in discussions and take all possible measures. We need to explore the possibilities in total anyway. It is also a good idea to listen to the opinions of businessmen and investors. By expressing your own opinions, you will naturally attract more people who will be interested in your work.

I'm Japanese, and I'm not very good at English. I have to rely on translators, which makes it difficult for me to have deep discussions with you. I'll try my best to reply, but I'm sure I'll make mistakes from time to time. I hope you will forgive me.

I have been running this campaign in Japan since July 17, 2021, but the number of supporters is currently only 1,600. Japanese people have a "disposition to dislike movements. I knew it, but my head hurts. People who raise their voices are assumed to be black-hearted and are treated with contempt.

But I am Japanese, and I too will weave the stories that my predecessors risked their lives to tell. That is why I am determined to change Japanese society through this movement. I want to change Japanese society so that creators can freely create value and viewers can enjoy diverse values.

I wish for the success of this movement.


