Perry! (experimilk)

37. American. Portmantologist. Sorry if I&#…

Perry! (experimilk)

37. American. Portmantologist. Sorry if I'm annoying you. 麻雀, プロレス, ホラー映画. 現在、日本語でのコミュニケーションには機械翻訳を使っている。



麻雀のマーヴル VS. カプコン:三麻 | The Marvel vs Capcom of Mahjong: Sanma

Good afternoon everyone! I've got some time off from work, and I've been relaxing and playing plenty of mahjong. This morning, the 18th, fighting game fans got a special treat: The Marvel vs Capcom series of fighting games that are beloved

    • 麻雀の闘劇:麻雀最強戦|The Super Battle Opera for Mahjong: Mahjong Saikyosen

      Good afternoon! I hope that you're all doing well. I'm currently just kicking it in bed with my wife and we're watching "Big Trouble In Little China", one of our favorite movies. Really great character acting. It inspired Mortal Kombat! I t

      • カプコンは麻雀ライブサービスゲームを作るべきだ | Capcom Should Create A Mahjong Live Service Game

        -Or alternatively, there should be a mahjong game with a fighting game level of care and support for the community who loves mahjong.- I haven't written about mahjong in a while. I've mostly been trying to build the bluesky mahjong communi

        • I have been working on the bluesky and trying to improve. I think i have some new articles in my head i'd like to write. look out for them!

        麻雀のマーヴル VS. カプコン:三麻 | The Marvel vs Capcom of Mahjong: Sanma


        • Mahjong Rosetta stone


          麻雀一番街のお気軽モード: トーナメント|Riichi City's Deceptively Casual Mode: Tournaments

          Hey there! Hope you had a good weekend. Here I am, one week out from a long holiday to celebrate my 3rd anniversary with my lovely wife. I love you honey : ) I spent most of the morning watching youtube videos and chilling with her. A mahj

          麻雀一番街のお気軽モード: トーナメント|Riichi City's Deceptively Casual Mode: Tournaments

          より青い空へ: Blueskyで麻雀コミュニティを育てるためにフィードを使う|Reaching For Bluer Skies: Using Feeds to Cultivate A Mahjong Community on Bluesky

          この機械翻訳をお許しください ソーシャルネットワーク「bluesky」を使用している場合、このリンクは麻雀関連の名前や用語を検索するフィードにつながり、アプリ上の麻雀関連の投稿のほとんどを見ることができます。Pastebinのリンクは、検索する特定の用語のリストにつながります。英語の麻雀記事も見たい場合はフィードもあります!もし十分な関心があれば、日本語を母国語とする人が、より具体的な用語に焦点を当てた、日本語を母国語とするコミュニティのためのより良いものを作ってくれること

          より青い空へ: Blueskyで麻雀コミュニティを育てるためにフィードを使う|Reaching For Bluer Skies: Using Feeds to Cultivate A Mahjong Community on Bluesky

          NリーグとARML: アメリカの麻雀をお楽しみください | The 2023 Guide to Spectating Mahjong

          Hey yall! I hope you're all doing well. Me? I find myself wishing I had more hours in the day. There's not enough weekend time! Not enough time in the day! Everyone should just be able to not work and play mahjong 24 hours! I'll run for pre

          NリーグとARML: アメリカの麻雀をお楽しみください | The 2023 Guide to Spectating Mahjong

          Twitterは麻雀のコミュニティに危険| Twitter Is A Liability for the Mahjong Community.

          (the following is kind of maybe a very presumptuous opinion, and I am really not trying to insult anyone. It is probably apparent to many of this blogs readers that twitter sucks right now) I'm sure that if you're reading this, you probabl

          Twitterは麻雀のコミュニティに危険| Twitter Is A Liability for the Mahjong Community.



          プルからプッシュへ: 海外で麻雀を普及させる方法を考える| From Pull to Push: How to Promote Mahjong Abroad

          Mahjong seems to be a game that hardly lets up. Recently I've been watching the M Tournament and the Saikouisen A1 league. I've become more familiar with Pros and Pro Organizations from around Japan. I've also become more aware at the need

          プルからプッシュへ: 海外で麻雀を普及させる方法を考える| From Pull to Push: How to Promote Mahjong Abroad

          麻雀のローカライズについて: スーツ名はローマ字表記にする | Concerning a Mahjong Localization: Suit Names Should be In Romaji

          Oh brother, I definitely feel like I'm the only audience this blog would be for, but it doesn't matter, that's what a blog is about! The Thesis: I'll start things off with a thesis and my very personal opinion: I am a firm believer that

          麻雀のローカライズについて: スーツ名はローマ字表記にする | Concerning a Mahjong Localization: Suit Names Should be In Romaji

          Let's Play!(ノーレート)麻雀ファンタジースポーツ!| Let's play some (no-rate) mahjong fantasy sports!

          I have never really liked following regular sports. For a while I would occasionally tune into the NBA playoffs, and I will watch the Super Bowl with my wife, but I have always been more interested in following esports. Recently I fell back

          Let's Play!(ノーレート)麻雀ファンタジースポーツ!| Let's play some (no-rate) mahjong fantasy sports!

          Square Enix seems to like adding mahjong to it's popular games and then selling the tiles. The ffxiv set is heavily recognized in the west.

          Square Enix seems to like adding mahjong to it's popular games and then selling the tiles. The ffxiv set is heavily recognized in the west.

          アメリカで麻雀が強い人はどこにいるのでしょうか?| Where can I find the strongest Mahjong players in America?

          Man, what an M League finals! I dipped back into M League just as the regular season was wrapping up. The team I backed at for the first few years of the league, Sega Sammy Phoenix, did not seem to have a post season in the cards this year

          アメリカで麻雀が強い人はどこにいるのでしょうか?| Where can I find the strongest Mahjong players in America?

          [gaiJONG] 日吉さんは素晴らしい!オカルトVSデジタル解説バトルを理解しようとする無知なアメリカ人 | Hiyoshi Rules, or Occult vs Digital from an Ignorant American Perspective

          Intro Well, this week the finals for M League will take place. I feel like the final games between these 4 teams will make for some amazing drama and some great Riichi mahjong. I am supporting Team Raiden, a team that has probably one of t

          [gaiJONG] 日吉さんは素晴らしい!オカルトVSデジタル解説バトルを理解しようとする無知なアメリカ人 | Hiyoshi Rules, or Occult vs Digital from an Ignorant American Perspective

          リーチ麻雀をローカライズする方法 | On Localizing Riichi Mahjong Tiles

          Introduction I am just a regular, run of the mill mahjong freak. I learned about the game in 2005 when the Akagi anime released, and from there, I had to learn everything I could about the game. At this time, you basically had Tom Sloper's

          リーチ麻雀をローカライズする方法 | On Localizing Riichi Mahjong Tiles