
Trivia of "Kamakura" part1 draft version

Kamakura city

Kamakura is a coastal and an old city with many historical shrines and temples. It is located less than an hour train ride from Tokyo.
This city was know as the seat of the Kamakura Shogunate (Kamakura Bakufu).

Kamakura Shogunate

Speaking of Kamakura, we should remember Kamakura Shogunate. Kamakura Shogunate is the first Japanese feudal government established by Minamoto Yoritomo in 1192.
The Imperial court centered with the emperor, called as "Chotei", had held the absolute power of administration and ruled over the nation until establishment of this Kamakura Shogunate.
After Yoritomo was given the title of Shogun or generalissimo, he established his administrative and military office in this Kamakura. Since then, the shogunate system lasted until the mid 19th century.

Why did Yoritomo select Kamakura for his administrative government?

1) Kamakura is a place noted in connection with the Genji family as Yoritomo's ancestor, and there were many his supporters around there.
2) Kamakura is a natural fortress surrounded by mountains on its three sides, the east, north, and west, and faces Sagami gulf to the south.
3) Kamakura is far away from Kyoto and was not be affected by the influence of the imperial court.

Natural fortress

The great Buddha (Kotoku-in temple)

The great Buddha of Kamakura ,designated as a national treasure, is the principle image of Kotoku-in temple.
Its official name is the bronze statue of Amida Nyorai.
The great Buddha, which is about 11.3m high and weighs about 121t, is very famous as a symbol of Kamakura.

The Great Buddha of Kamakura

How to make this bronze statue?

1) Finished form of the statue is made by cray as an inner mold.
2) Another cray paste on an inner mold to make the outer mold.
3) Remove the outer mold.
(Before removing it, the original position should be marked)
4) Shaving the surface of the inner mold with 5cm.
Return the outer mold to the original position and then 5cm clearance between the molds are made.
5) Pour bronze into clearance.
6) Polish the surface and covered with gold leaves.

How to male the Great Buddha

Characteristics of Amitabha Tathagata or Amida Nyorai

Amida Norai is said to have specific 32 aspects.
Major aspects are following,
Rahatsu-Sou : Spiral hair - super transcendent status.
Byakugo-Sou:White hair between the eyebrows - light emitted from white hair.
Konjikiso-Sou:Shining body in gold - mercy for being free from sin.
We can find remaining of gold leaf on the left cheek of the great Buddha of Kamakura.
Choshi-sou : Long finger - longevity, respect and love.
Syusokushi manmousou-Sou:Webbing between fingers - save everyone.
Senpukurin-Sou : Wheel sign on palm - teaching of Buddha.

Major aspects out of 32 aspects

Buddha is telling a message by hand signs

Hand signs of Buddhist statue tell you massages.
The hands of the Great buddha of Kamakura tells the status in deep meditation.

Hand signs of Buddha

To be continued.
