
Saturday,  September 25

I'm getting tired of writing a novel in English.  I wanted to write about my grandmother who survived Great Kanto Earhquake and World War 2.

She passed away several years ago.  She lived till the age of 99.  She had been an energetic grandma since I was born.  I mean, she looked  elderly  to my eyes.  However, she was a young girl almost 100 years ago.  Her own mother died when she was three years old.  She was bullied by her stepmother.  She was abandoned by her own father.  She got married to my grandpa through a go-between.  Then she became happy.  My grandpa was a knight on a white horse to her.  How dramatic!

I wanted to keep on writing about my grandma, but I realized I knew nothing about the time she was young.  She lived from late Meiji to Taisyo and Syowa era.  She was a real survivor.  
