

| 2021年8月6日|4:26PM|。
今週初め、Judicial WatchとCenter for Medical Progressは、米国保健社会福祉省への情報公開請求により入手した文書の中で、中絶で生きたまま生まれてくる可能性のある赤ちゃんや、その他の大学での不穏な行為の証拠を暴露しました。
水曜日、ピッツバーグ大学の広報担当者は、フォックス・ニュースのインタビューで、その慣行を擁護しました。しかし、Center for Medical Progress(医療進歩センター)は、彼の発言によって、科学研究のために中絶された赤ちゃんの腎臓が採取されている間も、その心臓はまだ動いていることが確認されたと述べています。
「ピット氏は今、ニュースメディアに対して、(国立衛生研究所の)助成金のために腎臓を切り取った時点では、中絶された赤ちゃんはまだ生きていると認めている」と、Center for Medical Progressの創設者であり代表のデビッド・デレイデン氏は言う。

その根拠となったのは、大学のスポークスマンであるDavid Seldin氏がFox Newsに語った「虚血時間」についての発言で、彼は「組織採取の処置後の時間を指す」と述べています。
Center for Medical Progressの説明によると
虚血は、臓器(ピットのGUDMAPプロジェクトでは主に腎臓)が血液循環から切り離されることで始まる。NIHでは、虚血を "身体の一部に血液が供給されない状態 "と定義している。大学側は、胎児の臓器が虚血に陥り、血液が供給されなくなるのは「組織採取の後」であるとしています。つまり、「組織採取」の間も、胎児の心拍から臓器に血液が供給されていることになる。
Center for Medical Progressによると、ピッツバーグ大学は、連邦政府から提供された助成金申請書類の中で、「組織を入手するために使用される手順」として「陣痛誘発」を挙げている。
ジゴキシンを使用しない場合(Center for Medical Progressによると、科学者はジゴキシンが研究の妨げになるため、ジゴキシンを含まない「胎児組織」を望んでいる)、赤ちゃんが生きて生まれてくる可能性があります。ある研究では、ジゴキシンを使用しない陣痛誘発型中絶の最大50%が生きて生まれてくる可能性があると推定されています。
また、Center for Medical ProgressとJudicial Watchは、ピッツバーグ大学が、中絶された赤ちゃんの体の一部の新鮮さを含め、「非常に質の高い組織を迅速に入手できる」と自慢していたことを指摘しています。
この情報は、ピッツバーグ大学の研究者が2020年に学術誌 "Scientific Reports "に発表した研究から得られたものです。この研究では、科学者たちが、人間の免疫システムを研究するために、中絶された赤ちゃんの頭皮を使って「人間化」されたマウスやラットを作ったことが書かれています。

University May be Subject of Investigation After It’s Caught Using Body Parts of Babies Born Alive
Micaiah Bilger
  |   Aug 6, 2021   |   4:26PM   |  
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania


Sean Parnell, a candidate for U.S. Senate in Pennsylvania, urged state authorities to investigate allegations that aborted babies may be being born alive and left to die so that their organs may be used for scientific research through the University of Pittsburgh.
“Allegations that officials at the University of Pittsburgh were harvesting kidneys of unborn babies while they still had a heartbeat is absolutely nauseating,” Parnell responded on Twitter. “This goes far beyond the scope of being pro-life and pro-choice. This is an issue of good vs. evil.”
Parnell, a Republican, called for a full investigation into the university’s practices.
“If there is any truth to them, people need to be fired, funding needs to be suspended, and criminal charges must be brought,” he said.
State lawmakers and other pro-life leaders also are urging state Auditor General Tim DeFoor and other authorities to investigate what LifeNews.com has extensively reported. And the state legislature, which Republicans control, could probe the research as well.
State Rep. Kathy Rapp, a pro-life Republican leader in the Pennsylvania House, sent a letter to DeFoor on Thursday asking him to investigate as well, Fox News reports.
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“While I recognize the limitation of the Auditor General’s duties to investigate the potential criminal violations, I respectfully request that your office engage in a thorough investigation of all state and federal funds which have been obtained by the University,” Rapp said.
“These funds should be reviewed to determine if they were used to support the education of Pennsylvania residents as is required in the funding legislation passed each legislative term that provides them their non-preferred allocation,” she continued.
“There must be a full investigation into these taxpayer-funded experiments. There are too many questions left unanswered. As a taxpayer, you deserve answers. As human beings, we all deserve the truth,” the Pennsylvania Family Council said on its website.
Earlier this week, Judicial Watch and the Center for Medical Progress exposed evidence of babies potentially being born alive in abortions and other disturbing practices at the university in documents they obtained from a Freedom of Information Act request to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
The documents show that the federal government gave the University of Pittsburgh at least $2.7 million in federal tax dollars over the past five years to become a “tissue hub” for aborted baby body parts for scientific research.
On Wednesday, a University of Pittsburgh spokesperson defended its practices in an interview with Fox News. However, the Center for Medical Progress said his statements confirm that aborted babies’ hearts still are beating while their kidneys are harvested for scientific research.
“Pitt is now admitting to the news media that the aborted babies are still alive at the time their kidneys are cut out for [National Institutes of Health] grant money,” said David Daleiden, founder and president of the Center for Medical Progress.

Daleiden continued: “Pitt’s grant application for GUDMAP advertised this to the federal government and that labor induction abortions, where the baby is pushed out of the mother whole, would be ‘used to obtain the tissue.’ The plain meaning of the GUDMAP grant application, and the University of Pittsburgh’s statement explaining it, is that Pitt and the Planned Parenthood abortion providers responsible for its ‘research’ abortions are allowing babies, some of the age of viability, to be delivered alive, and then killing them by cutting their kidneys out.”
The basis for this came from a statement university spokesman David Seldin made to Fox News about “ischemia time,” which he said “refers to the time after the tissue collection procedure.”
The Center for Medical Progress explained:
Ischemia starts when the organ (the kidneys primarily in Pitt’s GUDMAP project) is cut off from blood circulation. The NIH defines ischemia as “lack of blood supply to a part of the body.” The University states the fetal organs do not undergo ischemia—lose their blood supply—until “after the tissue collection procedure”. This means the organs are still receiving blood supply from the fetal heartbeat during the “tissue collection”.
In grant application documents provided by the federal government, the University of Pittsburgh mentions “labor induction” as a “procedure that will be used to obtain the tissue,” according to the Center for Medical Progress.
Labor induction abortions are basically what they sound like; the abortionist typically injects digoxin or another poison into the unborn baby’s heart to kill him/her and then induces labor so that the mother gives birth to her dead baby’s body. This method is used in later second- and third-trimester abortions.
If digoxin is not used – and the Center for Medical Progress found that scientists want “fetal tissue” without digoxin because the poison interferes with their research, there is a chance of the baby being born alive. One study estimated up to 50 percent of labor-induction abortions without digoxin can result in an infant born alive.
The Center for Medical Progress and Judicial Watch also noted that the University of Pittsburgh boasted about offering “rapid access to very high quality tissue,” including the freshness of the aborted babies’ body parts.
In the documents:
Pitt states that it records the “warm ischemic time on our samples and take steps to keep it at a minimum to ensure the highest quality biological specimens.” [The “warm ischemic time” refers to the amount of time an organ remains at body temperature after blood supply has been cut off. Warm ischemic time differs from cold ischemic time which refers to amount of time the organ is chilled. Pitt’s statement suggests the time between the abortion and collection is minimal.]
The university told the federal government that it has been “collecting fetal tissue for over 10 years … includ[ing] liver, heart, gonads, legs, brain, genitourinary tissues including kidneys, ureters and bladders,” according to the documents.
The university has been using Americans’ tax dollars to pay for its “tissue hub” for aborted baby body parts for years. According to the documents, the University of Pittsburgh requested $3.2 million over a five-year period in 2015, and it has received at least $2.7 million so far.
The university also told the federal government that it has been “collecting fetal tissue for over 10 years … includ[ing] liver, heart, gonads, legs, brain, genitourinary tissues including kidneys, ureters and bladders.”
One of the experiments that may have been funded with that money involved scalping five-month aborted babies and then implanting their scalps onto rodents.
The information comes from a study that University of Pittsburgh researchers published in 2020 in the journal “Scientific Reports.” It describes how scientists used scalps from aborted babies to create “humanized” mice and rats to study the human immune system.
Along with the study, the researchers published photos of their experiment – horrific images that show tufts of babies’ hair growing on the rodents.
