reconsider venus

Last time, i_magined venus as earth's wife. But there might be contradiction.


This time, i_magine venus as earth's twin sister. 

At that time, space created dot and hole one after another. Venus was created right after earth. They were Direct Currents running paralleled with.

They were growing, and magnetic field were getting large. One day, their paralleled magnetic fields collided, and venus's magnetic field was slightly small against earth's it.

There generated the point where force is spilled. They began rotation around the coalition point, but earth's power is slightly strong. The rotation places outside earth's center pole, two dimensional.

There generated paralleled two dimensional. 

Magnetic fields disappeared between them. Direct Current merged.

There left after image of two dimensional venus.


However, those two's power was unbalanced, and venus was borned affect earth. The coalition of magnetic fields should have filed like riding on earth's should_er.
Venus's magnetic filed is resistance for direct current from earth. It looks shine polestar.


Earth's magnetic filed generated water. Water created lends. The top of the dome of lends gather electricmagnetic waves from polestar. We call it sun. 
The sunlight reflects in the dome. It is day.


The dayside of earth's lends is dome, and the nightside of it is concave.
The sun apply X-rays to earth, the picture is printed on the concave at nightside.
Venus is also doctor for earth.


The bright picture on concave lends reflect diffusely to thin elliptical dome lends outside thin concave. The concave lends is near earth, but elliptical dome has depth.


Those phenomenon is childplay. Younger sister riding brother's shoulder is polestar, flying around brother by holding hands is sun, and carry on earth's back is moon. The elder brother seems to be protected by looking after his younger sister.


The friction between the afterimage of venus and earth's magnetic filed should have make sounds. Now, the sounds are changed to electrically. Because magnetic filed became electrical magnetic filed. But the afterimage might be still magnetic filed, analog.


Venus has been trying to treat ear_th's sick. There is water in his ear. Earth can't listen to the sounds of universe. Earth can hear only super sonic waves.


Sounds are languages. Everything hear their own language and understand.


Venus made ozone hole using the cause of illness, water.  The sunlight reflect sea make a hole into space. It is HCl tunnel, or wormhole, the birth canal, sodium potassium pump and so on.


Those sister and brother's childplay is a story of the growth from Direct Current to Alternative Current. The moment between B.C. and A.C.. It means zero, between minus and plus.


Pole of earth is a power plant.
Air of earth is a condenser. The magnetic filed grown-up to electrical magnetic filed.
Venus is a resistance. The light grown-up more environmental friendly.

Then, review 1.

Let's see 1 with microscope.

Dot is spin of electron. The circle inhale Another electron. 

So, we can understand the ∞ cross at right angles.

The second circle also inhale another electron at right angles.

The first circle is oldest brother. The second circle is younger brother which is magnetic filed of the elder brother. 

The third circle looks like twin sister of the first circle. But it came after the magnetic filed.

Those circle were made of electron. There's no difference between all electron. But the timing of making a circle generate a difference of power. 

The center of the three circle is the magnetic filed. The magnetic filed inhole direct electric current from both side. The two electric current merge but the stream is different. The one side is strong and the other side is small.

The direct current stream in magnetic filed become the center pole of the earth. The first circle side is day, and the third circle side is night.

Both day and night electrical filed has each magnetic filed. The top of the dome of dayside become sun, and the bottom of the cavity of nightside become moon.  

In the case of that moon needs more power to be generated, the first circle become nightside.

This time, the first circle is dayside.

The point where two direct current merge is coalition. The coalition of electron would be resistance. This is polestar. Polestar is not on the straight forward of axis of earth. The difference of power balance effect polestar's position.

The place where two direct current separate toward each circle is ozone hole.

The difference of power of two circle generate inclination of axis of earth. Actually, axis isn't the center of earth and there's no inclination. The axis is over the center of earth to nightside. So, nightside is light, and dayside is heavy but powerful. 

The second circle grow earth. The magnetic filed get electricity and become electric magnetic filed. It has depth and layer. 

The dayside's power rotate air above land, but the land of dayside is too heavy to rotate around axis. The land doesn't rotate but swing. The dayside lift land from the Vernal Equinox to the Autumnal Equinox. Then, heavy land swing to backward until Vernal Equinox point. During the backward swing, friction generated between land and air.

The electromagnetic filed of dayside gather electromagnetic waves from polestar. It's sun. The sun X-ray earth.

Third electromagnetic filed of nightside print the X-ray. It's moon. The cavity lends defuse light on the screen over the night. It is kind of X-ray of moon. The memory film of earth.

The relation of land and air is cradle and merry-go-round. What in the cradle is the Pacific Ocean. Polestar see the baby day and night with both eyes, the sun and moon.  The art is like Picasso.

Myth is really comprehensive.

The paralleled Direct Current also has upsidedown Alternative Current each circle. So, third first and third circle is two dimensional and four dimensional at once. The second circle has all dimensional. The right angled electric filed and magnetic filed will weave ∞.

The center of uni_ver_se, e_art_h.

ear_th is not dictator.
ear_th is listening to only himself, the master of himself, echo.
