



COP28のGlobal Stocktakingの成果文書に対して、
Visually Engagement COを使って簡易化したいと思います。



Analize the structure of the aattached outcome of the 1st globalstocktaking in COP28 with 5 framework including MECE with complement set and restructure the contents with priority and diversity to be visually and logically readable with all kinds of design, style, color and emoji.

*5 frameworkは、custome instructionで定義しています。


Visually Engaging CO

🌍📈📊 The analysis of the outcome of the first global stocktake in COP28, as outlined in the document "FCCC/PA/CMA/2023/L.17," encompasses several critical areas related to climate change. To restructure this content for visual and logical readability, incorporating various designs, styles, colors, and emojis, we can categorize the key findings and recommendations into five distinct frameworks, each addressing a specific aspect of climate change response. This MECE (Mutually Exclusive, Collectively Exhaustive) approach, complemented by prioritizing and diversifying information, ensures comprehensive coverage of the key themes.

  1. Mitigation (🌱🏭🌎):

    • Progress and Gaps (📊🔍): Acknowledgment of significant collective progress towards the Paris Agreement temperature goal, shifting from a projected 4°C increase to a range of 2.1–2.8°C. Despite this progress, further actions are urgently needed to align with the temperature goal, particularly addressing the gap in emissions reductions and the implementation of nationally determined contr​​†source】.

    • Actionable Steps (🔧🔄): Calls for tripling renewable energy capacity, doubling energy efficiency improvements, phasing down unabated coal power, and accelerating efforts towards net-zero​​10†source】.

  2. Adaptation (🌧️🌊🛡️):

    • Enhancing Capacity (📈🔗): Emphasis on enhancing adaptive capacity, strengthening resilience, and reducing vulnerability, with 51 Parties submitting national adaptation plans and 62 Parties submitting adaptation communications. This recognizes the efforts and challenges faced by developing countries in accessing finance for implementing their national a​​lans【11†source】.

    • Global Collaboration (🤝🌐): Stresses the need for international cooperation, knowledge-sharing, and financial support from developed countries to address clima​​mpacts【11†source】.

  3. Finance (💰🌍🔄):

    • Financial Needs and Gaps (💹🚨): Highlights the growing gap between the financial needs of developing countries, estimated at USD 5.8–5.9 trillion for the pre-2030 period, and the current support provided. This underscores the critical need for new, additional finance, and non-debt instruments to suppor​​g countries【12†source】.

    • Private Sector Role (🏢🤝): Recognizes the role of the private sector in achieving a global transition towards low greenhouse gas emissions and clima​​t development【12†source】.

  4. Loss and Damage (🌪️💔🔗):

    • Recognition and Response (👁️🔄): Acknowledges the importance of averting, minimizing, and addressing loss and damage associated with climate change impacts. This includes recognizing the role of sustainable development in reducing the risk of loss and damage and the need for improved understa​​esponse mechanisms【13†source】.

    • Addressing Gaps (🚨⚠️): Expresses concern about the economic and non-economic losses and damages, especially for developing countries, and stresses the need for urgent a​​upport in this area【13†source】.

  5. Cross-Cutting Considerations (🔗🌐✨):

    • Diverse Approaches (🌈🔍): Encourages diverse, country-driven approaches to address climate change, considering different national circumstances and pathways.

    • Equity and Human Rights (⚖️👥): Underlines the importance of addressing climate change with an equity lens, respecting human rights, gender equality, and t​​ment of vulnerable groups【9†source】.


Visually Engaging CO

🌍📈📊 The analysis of the outcome of the first global stocktake in COP28, as outlined in the document "FCCC/PA/CMA/2023/L.17," encompasses several critical areas related to climate change. To restructure this content for visual and logical readability, incorporating various designs, styles, colors, and emojis, we can categorize the key findings and recommendations into five distinct frameworks, each addressing a specific aspect of climate change response. This MECE (Mutually Exclusive, Collectively Exhaustive) approach, complemented by prioritizing and diversifying information, ensures comprehensive coverage of the key themes.

  1. Mitigation (🌱🏭🌎):

    • Progress and Gaps (📊🔍): Acknowledgment of significant collective progress towards the Paris Agreement temperature goal, shifting from a projected 4°C increase to a range of 2.1–2.8°C. Despite this progress, further actions are urgently needed to align with the temperature goal, particularly addressing the gap in emissions reductions and the implementation of nationally determined contr​​†source】.

    • Actionable Steps (🔧🔄): Calls for tripling renewable energy capacity, doubling energy efficiency improvements, phasing down unabated coal power, and accelerating efforts towards net-zero​​10†source】.

  2. Adaptation (🌧️🌊🛡️):

    • Enhancing Capacity (📈🔗): Emphasis on enhancing adaptive capacity, strengthening resilience, and reducing vulnerability, with 51 Parties submitting national adaptation plans and 62 Parties submitting adaptation communications. This recognizes the efforts and challenges faced by developing countries in accessing finance for implementing their national a​​lans【11†source】.

    • Global Collaboration (🤝🌐): Stresses the need for international cooperation, knowledge-sharing, and financial support from developed countries to address clima​​mpacts【11†source】.

  3. Finance (💰🌍🔄):

    • Financial Needs and Gaps (💹🚨): Highlights the growing gap between the financial needs of developing countries, estimated at USD 5.8–5.9 trillion for the pre-2030 period, and the current support provided. This underscores the critical need for new, additional finance, and non-debt instruments to suppor​​g countries【12†source】.

    • Private Sector Role (🏢🤝): Recognizes the role of the private sector in achieving a global transition towards low greenhouse gas emissions and clima​​t development【12†source】.

  4. Loss and Damage (🌪️💔🔗):

    • Recognition and Response (👁️🔄): Acknowledges the importance of averting, minimizing, and addressing loss and damage associated with climate change impacts. This includes recognizing the role of sustainable development in reducing the risk of loss and damage and the need for improved understa​​esponse mechanisms【13†source】.

    • Addressing Gaps (🚨⚠️): Expresses concern about the economic and non-economic losses and damages, especially for developing countries, and stresses the need for urgent a​​upport in this area【13†source】.

  5. Cross-Cutting Considerations (🔗🌐✨):

    • Diverse Approaches (🌈🔍): Encourages diverse, country-driven approaches to address climate change, considering different national circumstances and pathways.

    • Equity and Human Rights (⚖️👥): Underlines the importance of addressing climate change with an equity lens, respecting human rights, gender equality, and t​​ment of vulnerable groups【9†source】.




Creating visuals like charts, maps, and infographics using Python is a great approach for generating data-driven and informative content. Let's create some visual representations for each framework of the COP28 global stocktake outcomes:


1,125字 / 3画像
この記事のみ ¥ 150〜

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