英語が上達する!英語シャドーイング教室475 瞬時に使える英語 日常で使えるフレーズ238





Jordan, I've been trying to improve my conversational skills in English, and I've heard that having a set of go-to phrases can be really helpful. Could you help me understand some quick phrases that I can use instantly in various situations?

Absolutely, Alex. Having a repertoire of quick, versatile English phrases can significantly enhance your fluency and make daily interactions smoother. Let’s start with some basic but essential ones for everyday use.

Sounds good. What are some phrases for starting a conversation? For starting a conversation, simple greetings like “How’s it going?” or “What’s new?” are great. They’re friendly and open-ended, which can encourage more dialogue. If you know the person a bit, you might ask something more specific like, “How’s your family?” or “How’s work treating you?”
いいですね。会話を始めるときのフレーズを教えてください。会話を始めるには、"How's it going? "や "What's new? "といった簡単な挨拶がいいですよ。友好的で開放的なので、より多くの対話を促すことができます。相手のことを少し知っているなら、"How's your family? "とか、"How's work treatment you? "とか、もっと具体的なことを聞いてもいいかもしれない。

Those are helpful. How about when I need to express gratitude? Expressing gratitude is crucial. Besides the standard “Thank you,” you could say “I really appreciate it” or “That means a lot to me.” These phrases show a deeper level of gratitude and are especially useful in a professional setting or when someone has gone out of their way to help you.
それは助けになる。感謝の気持ちを表す必要があるときはどうだろう?感謝の気持ちを伝えることは非常に重要だ。定番の "Thank you "に加えて、"I really appreciate it "や "That means a lot to me "と言うこともできる。これらのフレーズは、より深いレベルの感謝の気持ちを表し、特に仕事上の場面や、誰かがわざわざあなたを助けてくれたときに役立ちます。

Great, and what if I need to apologize? In situations where an apology is needed, saying “I’m sorry” is straightforward. However, you can make it more heartfelt with “I apologize for any inconvenience” or “I didn’t mean to cause any trouble.” These show sincerity and an understanding of the impact of your actions.
では、謝罪が必要な場合は?謝罪が必要な場面では、"I'm sorry "とストレートに言う。しかし、"I apologize for any inconvenience "や "I didn't mean to cause any trouble "など、より心のこもった表現にすることもできる。これらは誠意を示し、自分の行動が及ぼす影響を理解していることを示す。

Those are quite polite. What about making requests? When making requests, it’s polite to soften your language to be more courteous. Phrases like “Could you please…?” or “Would you mind…?” are perfect. For example, “Could you please help me with this?” or “Would you mind showing me how to do this?” They make the request sound less demanding.
それはとても礼儀正しいですね。依頼をする場合はどうでしょうか?お願いをするときは、言葉遣いを柔らかくすると丁寧です。Could you please...?"や "Would you mind...?"のようなフレーズが最適です。例えば、"Could you please help me with this? "や "Would you mind me showing me how to do this? "などです。これらのフレーズは、要求がそれほど厳しくないように聞こえます。

And if I don’t understand something someone said? If you need clarification, it’s perfectly okay to ask directly yet politely. You can say, “Could you repeat that, please?” or “I’m sorry, I didn’t catch that. Could you say it again?” These phrases show that you’re actively listening and engaged in the conversation.
もし誰かの言ったことが理解できなかったら?明確な説明が必要な場合は、直接、しかも丁寧に尋ねることはまったく問題ありません。「もう一度言っていただけますか」「すみません、聞き取れませんでした。もう一度言っていただけますか?」などがあります。 これらのフレーズは、あなたが積極的に話を聞き、会話に参加していることを示すものです。

Lastly, how should I end a conversation politely? Ending a conversation politely can leave a lasting good impression. You might use “It was nice talking to you,” or “I’m glad we had a chance to chat.” If you’re in a professional context, “Thank you for your time, I look forward to our next meeting” works well.
最後に、丁寧に会話を終えるにはどうしたらいいでしょうか?丁寧に会話を終えることは、良い印象を残すことができます。あなたと話せてよかったです "とか、"おしゃべりできてよかったです "など。仕事上の会話であれば、"Thank you for your time, I look forward to our next meeting "が効果的です。

Jordan, this is incredibly useful. I feel like I have a better toolkit for my day-to-day conversations in English now.

I’m glad to hear that, Alex. Remember, using these phrases naturally will take practice, so don’t hesitate to use them as often as you can in your conversations. This will help build your confidence and fluency.


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